The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

Views expressed in this archived message are those of the author, not of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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From list manager

Dear list members,

This is to remind you all that messages with attachments must not be sent
to the list. We do not allow them for three reasons: subscribers'
concerns about viruses; the limited inbox quotas of many list
members; and problems archiving attachments on the website.

On another point, sometimes people who send to the list may receive a
"delivery failure" message, and I should explain that this does NOT mean
that their message to the list has failed, just the one or two addresses
on the list are failing and sending their error messages to the wrong
place.  If you receive such a message, please send it to the moderators,
otherwise we'll never know there's a problem.  People should NOT re-send
their message to the list if they receive these error messages.  If you
think your message to the list hasn't worked, please e-mail us at

Replies to list messages should often be sent only to the sender rather
than the whole list, given the high volume of messages on
soc-casi-discuss.  Before sending a reply to the whole list, please make
certain that the original message did actually go out to everyone, as it
may have reached you by a different route, or have been refused by the

While we're here, please can I reiterate that personal messages must not
be sent to the list, and that messages about its management should be sent
to the managers rather than to the whole list.

Best wishes for the rest of the summer.

Thanks for your co-operation, Ali.
Lists Manager, Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq               fax: 0870 063 5022

Ali Draper                            tel: 077111 30570
Girton College
Cambridge, CB3 OJG

This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq
For removal from list, email
Full details of CASI's various lists can be found on the CASI website:

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