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[casi] European Union President’s Quotes - War - Disarmament – Inspections

European Union (EU) Statements on a War on Iraq, Disarmament and Inspections
* Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis, EU President through June 2003
* Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou
* French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin


Source: Reuters, “France Wants to Mobilize EU to Avert Iraq War”, 21 January

[begin] EU diplomats say most member states are apprehensive about a
possible conflict and fear the timetable is being driven not by Iraqi
behavior but by the best weather conditions for a U.S. military strike.


Source: Reuters, “EU Says No to Iraq War Without U.N. Approval”, 21 January

[begin] Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis will retain the EU presidency
through June.  After a 21 January meeting with Romanian Prime Minister
Adrian Nastase, Simitis stated “We both estimate that peace (in Iraq) must
be preserved. We both believe a conflict will result in delaying many
developments and is a conflict that will not benefit stability and peace in
the region”. [end]


Source: Reuters, “EU Says No to Iraq War Without U.N. Approval”, 21 January


Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou, who plans to lead an EU mission to
the Middle East at the end of January in a bid to avert war, said there was
no need for a conflict if Iraq cooperated with weapons inspectors.

Papandreou said a report the weapons inspectors were to deliver to the U.N.
Security Council Monday on how Iraq was cooperating was not a deadline on
whether to go to war.

“United Nations 1441 resolution doesn’t say there should be a decision on
January 27 when the report is submitted,” Papandreou told reporters,
referring to a resolution on Iraq passed in November.  “So, in theory and in
practice, there could be more time. Inspectors could continue their work for
some more time.’ ” [end]


Papandreou said the EU would only back a war if ‘the United Nations decide
clearly and unanimously to take military measures, because they have
incontestable proof and great concerns.’ ”


Reuters, “France Wants to Mobilize EU to Avert Iraq War”, 21 January 2003,

[begin] [French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin] said he would use a
meeting of the 15 EU foreign ministers in Brussels next Monday and Tuesday
to seek a united stance on the issue. [end]


Nathaniel Hurd
Consultant on United Nations Iraq policy
Tel. (Mobile): 917-407-3389
Fax: 718-504-4224
Residential Address:
90 7th Ave.
Apt. #6
Brooklyn, NY  11217

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