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Republicans Against War in Iraq

Resignation letter of Boone County (MO) Republican Chair Jack Walters,
March 8, 2003

As the Bush administration moves toward certain war in the Middle East -
a war which I believe nothing good will come from, a war which is
unjust, unnecessary, and a war which will undoubtedly widen, perhaps
even into world war, thereby placing our nation in dire peril - I have
made a decision regarding my position as Boone County Republican Chairman.

Wars are easy to get into, but very difficult to get out of. They can
sap the moral and spiritual fiber of a nation, squander lives and
resources, deplete scarce funds, cause undue hardship on all involved,
destroy families, and engender hopelessness.

I have questioned both the motives for military action at this time, and
the ever-changing, illogical justifications presented to us in what has
to be one of the greatest media propaganda blitzes ever force-fed a
populace. Any time ground troops are deployed, serious questions must be
asked and real answers demanded. The jingoistic rhetoric we are
receiving does not constitute legitimate answers.

The consequences of our planned attack on Iraq (and also probably Iran,
given the size of our forces and their location in proximity to Iran),
should cause us all to pause. The Pentagon has announced that we will
hit Baghdad with a force almost equal to the bombing of Hiroshima.
Obviously many thousands of civilians will perish, with untold thousands
maimed. And for what? To liberate them? To bring them freedom? Or
democracy? Or is it to really secure the world's second largest oil
reserve and establish a base from which to subjugate other Middle
Eastern nations? Is it also the plan for Israel to use the cover of war
to forcibly relocate the Palestinian population (as has been publicly
stated by some members of Israel's current government)?

How on earth have we arrived at this crucial juncture in our country's
history? How has a war on terrorism been converted into an attack on
Iraq? What threat does Iraq pose to us? We must lay the blame squarely
on our congress, who according to our Constitution, only has the power
to declare war. For congress to cede it's war-making power to the
executive branch is unconstitutional on the very face of it and
effectively destroys our three branches of government. Circumventing our
Constitution is very bad, and the undeclared wars, which have resulted
in our recent history, have had disastrous results. Undeclared wars have
no declared objectives, and therefore can widen at will, and our foray
into the Middle East will likely set in motion a long-term wave of
retaliation. Indeed, I believe that the administration would like to
entice Iraq into firing the first blow so some justification could be
paraded at the United Nations. If the United States government can adopt
this unreal doctrine of preemptive attack on any nation, anywhere, at
any time, so can other nations! This is how world wars begin. If the
President goes into Iraq alone without a UN resolution, he will be in
violation of the war powers given him last October by congress which was
contingent on UN approval. A constitutional crisis will occur.

What we are about to do in the Middle East is abhorrent to me. It is
made doubly so since this is a contrived and fraudulently justified war
with hidden objectives. The coming mass slaughter of innocents, the harm
our own troops are being placed in, and the potential for wars on
several fronts have brought home to me the sobering realization that by
remaining Boone County Republican Chairman, I would be giving tacit
approval to this imminent war, and tacit approval to the belligerent and
reckless language coming from the White House. The safety and integrity
of our country outweighs politics.

I therefore resign as Chairman of the Boone County Republican Central
Committee effective at noon, March 10, 2003. I do not wish to be
Chairman when this tragedy starts. I am not resigning to placate those
who have demanded same .I do not fear them in the least. I was quite
willing to stand and face an ouster vote. I am resigning because I
cannot support the Republican position on this war. I only sought the
position of Chairman originally in the hope that I could recruit
God-fearing, thinking, pro-life believers in our Constitution to stand
for office.

I grieve for our nation, and the untold suffering that will be wrought.
As history has shown, you can possess the greatest armaments in the
world, but if your cause and motives are not right, only catastrophe
will result.

Jack Walters, March 8, 2003

If you are a Republican who agrees with Jack Walters, please sign this

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