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[casi] US Military monitor CASI?

Not wishing to blow ones own trumpet.  But I cant help´wondering if the walling with barbed wire of 
Saddam's birthplace village might have less to do with them passing "secret messages" directing 
resistance and more to do with protecting the supposed "graveyard" of the Hussein family containing 
Uday and Qusay from prying eyes.

As revealed on CASI messageboard recently, this supposed funeral was nothing more than a media fake.

The photos released clearly showed there was
a) no cemetary, simply a completely open field.
b) no nearby village
c) no giant monument to Saddam's mother or child victims of coalition bombing raids nearby.
d) no gate or fence that could be used to control mourners or protect the "graves" (sic).
e) nor for that matter any coffins or signs of crowd anger or mourning contrary to media reports.

Perhaps this latest move is more to protect from prying eyes those Iraqis who genuinely feared and 
hated the younger Husseins and would wish to see for themselves if the "family cemetary" really did 
match in anyway the media reports and photos.

Surely not.  It must be a hotbed of Baathist resistance.

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