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[casi] Seasons greetings

Dear All,

After the horrors, the heartbreak, the ongoing destruction and tragedy it is
difficult to know what to say at this time, as it was for Eid, and for the
seasonal celebrations of so many Israelis working for peace. For the courage
of the refuseniks and those who put out hands and work with Palestinian
academics and activists. So might I just send warmest greetings to all, may
the season bring you all you wish for.

'Peace on earth and good will to all men' seems pretty unattainable with
Machiavelly and Dr Strangelove walking tall in  Washington, but as Margaret
Mead wrote: 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed
citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever does.'

A New Year means a new slate on which to write, so for those who pray, do,
for others who care, do what you can.

Last but absolutely not least, thank you to Seb, Per, Peter, Nicholas,
Colin, Nels, Drew and all close to and involved in CASI who have put in so
much time, effort, skill and knowledge. This has been a year with so many
imponderables (and troubling infiltrations) which has surely contributed to
people leaving. No doubt that was the intent, it followed a well worn
pattern. But it also shows CASI was getting a a great deal right.

Warmest greetings to all, as a friend of mine always ends: 'peace and bright
moments', xurrently in Palestine he wrote that, like Iraq, 'the peace is
gone, but I can still wish you the bright moments.' felicity a.

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