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[casi-analysis] casi-news digest, Vol 1 #8 - 4 msgs

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Today's Topics:

   1. Iraq "could get state oil firm" (ppg)
   2. UK Pays Families of Iraqis Killed by Brits (cafe-uni)
   3. Full Text - Statement Issued By The Hutton Inquiry (cafe-uni)
   4. Carnegie Group Says Bush Made Wrong Claims on WMD (cafe-uni)


Message: 1
From: "ppg" <>
To: <>
Subject: Iraq "could get state oil firm"
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 15:57:57 -0500

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Story from BBC NEWS:
Thursday, 8 January, 2004, 17:35 GMT

Iraq 'could get state oil firm'

US advisers and Iraqi officials are considering the setting up of a state-r=
un oil company in Iraq, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The move would significantly limit the role of foreign oil companies in Ira=
q, which has the second-largest proven oil reserves in the world.

It also would help allay criticism that the US-led invasion was primarily a=
imed at securing control of oil fields.

"It's just pragmatism", a coalition authority adviser told the paper.

Protected from politics

Under the proposals, the day-to-day running of the company would be carried=
 out by a professional management team.

While an oil minister would be ultimately responsible for what was happenin=
g, the company would be somewhat insulated from political interference, the=
 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said.

A similar structure is in place in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and according to=
 Robert McKee, an oil adviser for the Coalition Provisional Authority, "our=
 preference is definitely in that direction".

Interim oil minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum is meeting separately with indus=
try officials and plans to unveil a study on restructuring at an oil confer=
ence in Baghdad next month.

The advisers argue that a politically independent company would be able to =
boost production and improve operations without fuelling nationalistic ange=
r that the country's assets were being stripped.

No decision yet

And that, in the long run, may help bring an end to the social unrest that =
has seen oil pipelines attacked and led to jostling between Kurds in the no=
rth and Shia in the south, the WSJ said.

A spokeswoman for the Coalition Provisional Authority, the US-led administr=
ation that has run Iraq since Saddam Hussein was overthrown, was keen to po=
int out that Mr McKee's role is purely one of adviser.

The final decision on how Iraq's oil industry is run will ultimately be dec=
ided by the Iraqi people themselves.

"Nothing has been ruled out, nothing has been ruled in," she said.


Message: 2
From: "cafe-uni" <>
To: "casi news" <>
Subject: UK Pays Families of Iraqis Killed by Brits
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 22:18:51 -0000

Use  WWW.CAFE-UNI.CO.UK  for news  on Iraq
and other Middle East News

> MoD pays out for Iraqi civilian deaths
> Richard Norton-Taylor
> Wednesday January 7, 2004
> The Guardian
> The government has paid compensation believed to amount to
thousands of
> pounds to three families of Iraqi civilians allegedly
killed by British
> troops, it was disclosed yesterday.
> A further 13 claims following the deaths of Iraqi
civilians are being
> investigated, the Ministry of Defence said.
> One of the payments has been made to the family of Baha
Mousa, the son of a
> police colonel, who died allegedly after being assaulted
with seven other
> young Iraqis by British soldiers in Basra last September.
> A British army death certificate is reported to state that
Mr Mousa died of
> "asphyxia".
> One of the survivors of the alleged incident is reported
to have suffered
> serious kidney failure.
> The MoD yesterday declined to comment on a report that it
had offered the
> Mousa family =A34,500 in compensation.
> However, it insisted that money given to Iraqi families
was in the form of
> "ex gratia payments". That did not mean the MoD accepted
liability for any
> of the deaths, it said. "We do not accept admission of
guilt. That is the
> policy."
> But a spokesman said that "several British soldiers" were
assisting the
> special investigation branch of the military police who
were undertaking
> criminal inquiries.
> An investigation into Mr Mousa's death was continuing, he
> The compensation claims were revealed in a written
parliamentary answer to
> the Plaid Cymru MP, Adam Price.
> The MoD said 23 Iraqi families had made compensation
claims following the
> deaths of civilians.
> Seven of the claims have been rejected while another 13
are under
> investigation. A further 73 claims have been made by Iraqi
> claiming to have been injured by British forces since May
1 last year.
> Mr Price will today call on the government to hold an
independent inquiry
> into the fatalities during a Commons debate on "postwar
civilian deaths and
> military operations in Iraq".
> He said yesterday: "In the majority of these cases we do
not know the
> circumstances or even the names of the victims as proper
public scrutiny has
> not been possible either in Iraq or in the UK."
> He added: "It is simply not acceptable for the military to
be investigating
> themselves and deciding on an ad hoc basis whether or not
to award ex gratia
> payments to the families of the deceased.
> "We need an independent and fully impartial investigation
into all of these
> allegations of civilian deaths involving coalition forces
so that justice is
> done and seen to be done by the long suffering people of
> He said Carl Conetta, director of Washington-based
thinktank Project on
> Defence Alternatives, estimated there had been 200
civilian Iraqi deaths as
> a result of action by occupying forces between May and
November last year.
> Guardian Unlimited =A9 Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004


Message: 3
From: "cafe-uni" <>
To: "casi news" <>
Subject: Full Text - Statement Issued By The Hutton Inquiry
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 22:20:05 -0000

Use  WWW.CAFE-UNI.CO.UK  for news  on Iraq
and other Middle East News

> Full text of the statement issued by the Hutton Inquiry
> PA
> 07 January 2004
> There have been a number of reports in the press today
about written
> submissions made to the Hutton Inquiry by the Government.
Therefore Lord
> Hutton has issued the following statement to clarify the
position in
> relation to those submissions:
> It has always been public knowledge that after the closing
oral statements
> by their counsel all the parties at the Inquiry were given
the opportunity
> to submit further written submissions. In his closing
statement to the
> Inquiry on 25th September 2003 Mr Dingemans QC, counsel to
the Inquiry,
> said:
> "The parties are being given the opportunity to put in any
further written
> submissions and given the opportunity to correct any
factual errors they say
> have been made in any written submissions."
> The parties were given this opportunity in the interests
of fairness in case
> any party considered that it had not fully developed all
the points it
> wished to make in the course of its oral submissions.
> The BBC, Mr Andrew Gilligan, the Kelly family, as well as
the Government,
> availed themselves of the opportunity to submit further
written submissions,
> and the further written submissions of each party were
sent to all the other
> parties. Therefore, contrary to the suggestions in some of
the press reports
> today, there was nothing surprising or unexpected or of
special significance
> in the making of these written submissions.
> The Inquiry received requests for the parties' written
submissions to be
> posted on its website and on 13th October 2003 the
Inquiry's solicitor, Mr
> Martin Smith, wrote to the solicitors for all the parties
> "As you will be aware through your counsel, the Inquiry
has received
> requests for the parties' written submissions to be posted
on its website.
> Lord Hutton is currently minded to accede to this request
in relation to the
> parties' final (but not interim) submissions.
> "Please let me know whether you have any objections to
this course of
> action."
> The parties who had made oral submissions replied stating
that they were
> opposed to the publication of the written submissions
pending the
> publication of the report and, in slightly different
terms, they all made
> the point that publication would encourage a trial of
various individuals
> (against whom no criticism might be made in the report) by
the media and
> that this would be unfair.
> After considering this objection, and balancing the need
to protect
> individuals against the benefits of publishing the written
> before the delivery of his report, Lord Hutton concluded
that he should not
> publish the submissions pending his report, and that he
would give further
> consideration to the publication of the written
submissions after the report
> had been published. Therefore on 22nd October 2003 the
Inquiry's solicitor
> wrote to the respective solicitors for the parties as
> "Thank you for your letter containing representations
about whether Lord
> Hutton should confirm his provisional view that it was
appropriate for the
> parties' final (but not interim) written submissions to be
published on the
> Inquiry's website.
> "Having reviewed your letter, and those received from the
other parties on
> this issue, Lord Hutton has decided that these documents
should not be made
> available to the public at this stage. Accordingly, the
written submissions
> will not be posted on the website prior to Lord Hutton's
report being
> published.
> "Lord Hutton will give further consideration to whether
the parties' written
> submissions should be made public, after his report is
> =A9 2003 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd


Message: 4
From: "cafe-uni" <>
To: "casi news" <>
Subject: Carnegie Group Says Bush Made Wrong Claims on WMD
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 22:20:59 -0000

Use  WWW.CAFE-UNI.CO.UK  for news  on Iraq
and other Middle East News

> Carnegie group says Bush made wrong claims on WMD
> Julian Borger in Washington
> Thursday January 8, 2004
> The Guardian
> The Bush administration will today be accused of
> misrepresenting" the threat posed by "Iraq's weapons of
mass destruction" in
> a comprehensive report on post-war findings.
> The report, by four experts on weapons proliferation at
the respected
> Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, is likely to
reignite calls for
> acommission to look into the government's pre-war
intelligence claims.
> According to the report, the absence of any imminent
threat from Saddam
> Hussein's chemical or nuclear programmes was "knowable"
before the war.
> There was greater uncertainty over biological weapons but
no evidence strong
> enough to justify war.
> The authors say the intelligence reports of Iraq's
capabilities grew more
> shrill in October 2002 with the publication of a National
> Estimate (NIE), which included an unusual number of
dissenting views by
> intelligence officials.
> The intelligence community, the report says, began to be
unduly influenced
> by policymakers' views "sometime in 2002". Repeated visits
to the CIA by the
> US vice president, Dick Cheney, and demands by top
officials to see
> unsubstantiated reports, created an atmosphere in which
> analysts were pressed to come to "more threatening"
judgments of Iraq.
> The report concludes that "administration officials
> misrepresented the threat from Iraq's WMD and ballistic
missile programmes".
> Last night aWhite House official responded by pointing to
Mr Bush's comment
> on December 15 when he was pressed on the absence of Iraqi
WMD. He claimed
> evidence had been found that contravened UN resolution
1441 calling for
> Saddam to disarm, a possible reference to signs that Iraq
had been trying to
> extend the range of its missiles beyond UN limits.
> Stuart Cohen, the vice chairman of the National
Intelligence Council, which
> oversees intelligence assessments, also defended the 2002
NIE. "We did not,
> in any area, hype our judgments. We made our calls based
on the evidence we
> had. We never used the word 'imminent' in the ...
> But Joseph Cirincione, lead author of the Carnegie report,
said: "This is
> the first thorough review of the intelligence threat
> administration statements, findings of UN inspectors and
nine months of US
> searches in Iraq. It shows the threat assessment process
is broken. The NIE
> was wildly off the mark."
> Guardian Unlimited =A9 Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004

End of casi-news Digest

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