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[casi-analysis] Mission to Iraq - Campus Antiwar Network's report and websiteupdates

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"Once inside Baghdad, the havoc caused by the U.S. invasion and occupation
was overwhelming." Khury Petersen-Smith, Campus Antiwar Network delegate to
this month's mission to Iraq.

Read his report at <>
Khury can be reached at <>

CAN is a primary national student anti-war network, with
over 150 campus member organizations. It is a
democratic, grassroots and student owned and operated
network that has earned international recognition. It was
invited to join a recent peace delegation organized by
United for Peace and Justice, Global Exchange and
Occupation Watch.

Please visit CAN's new website at <>

While at Traprock's homepage, you'll notice new important material. Such as:

Resources and information on the February 15 Worldwide Vigils for Peace at
sunset. These are being held all over the world, in large cities and small
towns. A generic downloadable flyer (designed by Traprock's Sunny Miller) is
available. Put your own organization's info on the flyer.

Uranium Weapons. Illegal and very harmful. Shouldn't this be obvious? Yet
the national US media largely ignores it (hardly the case elsewhere). See
Karen Parker's paper on the Illegality of 'depleted' uranium weaponry and
Dr. Chris Busby's paper on its dire health consequences. (The US has,
according to the Guardian (UK) dumped between 1000 and 2000 tons of
radioactive depleted uranium in Iraq during Gulf War, about 3 to 5 times as
much used there during Gulf War I). How is the US getting away with this?

See also an account of whistleblower Doug Rokke's standing up to the
Department of Defense as he tells the truth about DU.  Traprock has toured
with Doug nationally to over 30 cities and campuses.

Jeremy Corbyn, British MP, gave us his address to the just-ended World
Social Forum, as well as his British article on the Forum.

We're posted the US Army's own regulations on managing DU-contaminated
equipment in war zones. Note the environmental and health requirements. Is
the US following its own regulations? See also the recent UK Parliament
questions on depleted uranium.

Read about Palestinians on Verge of Humanitarian Catastrophe, by our new
website contributor Genevieve Cora Frase

An update of Glen Rangwala's work, including his newest paper on the
Deferring of Democracy in Iraq.

David Keppel's view of the State of the Union, and his set of election year
questions. These are handy for anyone who wants to ask tough questions of

Heather Wokusch's piece "Bushwhacking Mother Nature: US Environmental
Destruction Abroad" - Her European perspective is an important one for
American audiences. Another European taking the US to task for its use of
uranium weaponry.

And if you haven't listened to Scott Ritter's December address to students
yet, you really missed something. It's available for download for radio play
or for listening on your computer. A Boston Radio station played it, and
many websites have picked it up. Thousands have visited the Traprock site
for this important talk. Download it, put it on a CD and share it in its
convenient MP3 format.

Much more is on the way.

Charles Jenks, attorney at law
President of the Core Group
Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road
Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-1633; Fax 413-773-7507

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