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[casi-analysis] New, on-line issue of Swans on Iraq available

[ This message has been sent to you via the CASI-analysis mailing list ]

Dear Colleagues,

    I'm posting the current table of contents  from Swans in the hope
that folks on this listserv will find  these essays useful. The url is

   In the past month in Washington, D.C.,  four events
(Strategies for Resistance, Black Voices for Peace, Code Pink for Peace and Iraq Peace Team reports 
of folks just back from Iraq) have all been packed to capacity! Pretty amazing for Washington. 
Perhaps the Gallop Poll from Feb. 5th is right -- U.S. voters are now
evenly divided on peace versus continuing the war and occupation. Is this known in



p.s. Have posted my chapter from "Iraq: the human cost of history," Pluto Press, 2004
on my website
     Feeback always appreciated.


 Swans Commentary » Special Issue on Iraq - February 2, 2004



Table of Contents

By Gilles d'Aymery
Swans' publisher and co-editor

Imperialism Through the Ages

United States "Liberation:" From the Philippines to Iraq
By Edward S. Herman
Professor Emeritus of Finance, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Iraq: A Gnat On The Elephant Of History
By Milo Clark
Writer and researcher

Follow the Leader
By Michael Parenti
Author and lecturer -

Marketing the War

Proving A Negative
By Jan Baughman
Scientist and Swans co-editor

Propaganda Iraq   By Gerard Donnelly Smith
Professor in creative writing, literature and composition, Clark College, Vancouver, WA

The Human Price of "Democracy"

Depleted Uranium: The Pentagon Betrayal Of GIs And Iraqis
By Sara Flounders and John Catalinotto
Activists and authors, International Action Center

Civilian Deaths: The Achilles Heel Of The Coalition Occupation?
By John Sloboda
Professor of Psychology, Keele University, UK, and co-founder of Iraq Body Count

Invasion And Occupation Through Iraqi Eyes
By George Capaccio
Teacher and writer

Children Of Iraq
By Michael W. Stowell
Activist and writer

Assault On Iraqi Women
By Gregory Elich
Computer programmer and independent researcher

Tariq Ali On The Recolonisation Of Iraq
By Tanweer Akram
International economist and writer

Conquer, Divide, and Profit

"Freeing" Iraq's Economy - For Its Occupiers
By Rania Masri
Director, Southern Peace Research and Education Center, at the Institute for Southern Studies 
(Durham, NC)

Saddam's Odious Debt
By Justin Alexander
Founder, Jubilee Iraq

The Kurdish Pawn
By Louis Proyect
Computer programmer, Columbia University and moderator of

American Fallout

The Bush Doctrine: Trouble At Home And Abroad
By Naseer Aruri
Chancellor Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth

How Will The Iraq War Affect Americans?
By Manuel García, Jr.
Physicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

The Future: Resistance and Cooperation

Methods For Saving The World's Children
By Thomas J. Nagy, Coilín Oscar ÓhAiseadha, and Mike FitzGibbon
Respectively, Associate Professor, George Washington University; medical doctor; research fellow, 
Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods

After The Invasion
By Anthony Arnove
Activist, author and editor

Pre-Emptive Strike Policy And The United Nations
By Denis J. Halliday
Former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General -

Published February 2, 2004

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