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[casi-analysis] Interesting fact about one of the recent bombings - iraqis blame a warplane.

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That appears to have not gone reported by most of the Western media, but can be found in at the 
Washington Post.  But it appears that many Iraqis who were at the scene say the attack came from 
the Americans.

"Janabi, the police chief, said five of his officers were wounded in the attack but none was 
killed. No U.S. casualties were reported.

After the explosion, U.S. troops trying to secure the area clashed with angry Iraqis who contended 
that the explosion was caused by a missile fired by a U.S. warplane. Witnesses said the troops 
fired into the crowd, hitting civilians. A local surgeon reported treating three Iraqis who had 
been shot, one of whom died of his wounds.

The witnesses' accounts could not be independently verified. U.S. soldiers at the scene declined to 
comment, and a spokesman for the military in Baghdad said he had no information about the 
allegations. "


"As night began to fall, other versions of the day's events spread. Some Iraqis said they had heard 
aircraft overhead immediately before the blast. Some displayed shrapnel they had gathered at the 
scene and speculated that it could not possibly have come from a car explosion. Others wondered why 
U.S. soldiers had not been guarding the line of job applicants at the police station as they had in 
the past.

"We heard a helicopter" and then something fell from the sky, said Hamza Habeeb, who had been 
waiting in front of the courthouse and suffered light cuts to his head and legs.

"Look at this piece of metal. It is not from a car," said Saad Karim, 21, who said he was a friend 
of one of the wounded.

"Why weren't Americans at the police station? We used to see them there," said Ali, the laborer.

Karim Khudhaier Salihy, 55, a sheik who said he was speaking on behalf of the 350 people in his 
tribe, said he believed the U.S. military fired on the police station and that it did so 
intentionally. "The Americans, they don't want Iraq to be stabilized," he said. "They want to make 
ethnic conflict to prolong their presence in Iraq. So they created a crisis." "

However the first quote makes the clear that even in the immediate aftermath of the explosion 
Iraqis believed that it had been caused by a missile fired from overhead, and that initial 
confrontation was immediately after the explosion not later that night.  Given that these were 
Iraqis queueing to become policeman for the new regime, and therefor probably not Saddam 
supporters, its an accusation from a plausible source.

Although obviously we cant accept that western journalists would deliberately conceal the truth 
from us, which is absurd!!!

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