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[casi-analysis] casi-news digest, Vol 1 #32 - 1 msg

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Today's Topics:

   1. UK troops accused of POW brutality (Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar)


Message: 1
From: "Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar" <>
To: <>
Subject: UK troops accused of POW brutality
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 21:12:25 +0300

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

UK troops accused of POW brutality

February 19, 2004 - 12:30PM
British soldiers in Iraq kicked and punched hooded prisoners as they screamed
for mercy, according to a witness who says he saw one Iraqi detainee beaten to
The serving British soldier, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Sun
newspaper he had been "sick to his stomach" after witnessing the beatings in the
southern Iraqi city of Basra.
Britain's defence ministry said earlier this month that it was investigating the
death of an Iraqi prisoner while in British custody following reports that he
had been beaten to death.
According to The Sun, the dead man was among nine Iraqis held by the Queen's
Lancashire Regiment on suspicion of being bandits last September, just a few
weeks after the regiment lost one of its number to a roadside bomb.
The unnamed soldier said that when he visited the British base's cell block he
saw the prisoners stretched out or kneeling with hoods over their heads.
"Some of the lads were just coming up, booting them in the stomach and punching
them," he told the paper.
"The moans and groans were going on for ages. The prisoners were pleading:
'Please stop, please stop.'"
The beatings continued over two days, with a number of British troops shouting
racist abuse at the prisoners - who were prevented from sleeping or lying down -
as they kicked, punched and slapped them, the soldier said.
The soldier, who added that maltreatment of Iraqi prisoners was common, said he
saw the dead prisoner after his hood had been pulled off.
"He had a big, swollen black eye, his nose was broken and it looked like his jaw
had been dislocated. His face was bloody," the paper quoted him as saying.
"I feel sick to my stomach that I didn't do anything to save them, as I'm sure
other people do," he said.
"It's something we will have to live with."
Earlier this month the Ministry of Defence said that British military police
were investigating the death of the prisoner, which "inevitably will take time".
This story was found at:

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