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[casi-analysis] rewriting history

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Dear all,
American republicans are paving the way for the rewriting of history. One should read the 
allegations like:"based on the facts as I know them at the present time, the U.N. failed in its 
responsibility to the Iraqi people and the international community at large." As if the 661 
committee never existed. Like I said: we have to be vigilant. This may be only the beginning of the 
reversing of the facts about sanctions. We should study these allegations carefully and respond if 
necessary, or make a "counter-dossier".

Interesting Articles on the allegations and corruption and also an excerpt from:
Text of Redacted Memo by U.S. Official in Iraq Posted
It would be a very grave mistake to transfer authority to the United Nations. Kofi Annan once said 
that "Saddam Hussein is a man I can do business with." Not only can we expect such a tape to be 
aired often on Iraqi television, but also we can expect further revelations that Kofi Annan was 
speaking literally and, not just figuratively. I spent a great deal of time with Claude 
Hankes-Drielsma, chairman of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, when he was in Baghdad earlier 
this week. Many of you may remember him from his service with the 1985 South African debt 
commission, and as an investigator who exposed the Nobel Foundation scandal several years back. He 
is currently serving as advisor to the Finance Committee of the Governing Council, in which 
capacity he is organizing the audit of the UN oil-for-food system. Already, the audit has uncovered 
serious wrongdoing in banks, and discrepancies of billions of dollars. Anger is rising at just how 
little Iraq got for its money under UN auspices, when the UN oversaw contracts that inflated prices 
and delivered substandard if not useless goods. While the Western press has focused on officials 
like Benon Sevan who, according to documents, received discounted oil, the real scandal appears to 
be in some of the trading companies which would convert such oil shares to cash. For example, Sevan 
cashed his oil share with a Panamanian trading company, which, it turns out, was controlled by 
Boutros-Boutros Ghali. This scandal is going to run deep, and will likely erupt prior to the U.S. 
presidential election. Senior UN officials know that an independent audit is being conducted, and 
are not cooperating. It would be a shame if it turns out we knew about this, and yet did nothing to 
ensure that key UN and bank documents were not shredded. Regardless, to allow the United Nations to 
again loot Iraq will be problematic at best.

Three Named To Investigate Oil-For-Food Corruption Allegations
Monday, April 19, 2004

Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker will lead a three-person inquiry into alleged 
corruption in the oil-for-food program administered by the United Nations during sanctions imposed 
on Iraq following Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, the world body announced Friday.

Swiss lawyer and international bribery and money laundering expert Mark Pieth and South African 
Judge Richard Goldstone, the first chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the 
former Yugoslavia, will join Volcker in the investigation.

While Volcker and the others involved in the U.N. inquiry as well as U.N. Secretary General Kofi 
Annan support the idea of a Security Council resolution endorsing the investigation and calling for 
governmental cooperation, Russia, a large force behind the $67 billion humanitarian aid initiative 
that closed down last year, said the resolution was unnecessary because the council had already 
written a letter in support of the inquiry (Reuters/Los Angeles Times, April 17).

"We understand the reputation of the Secretariat is in question, but we do not think it is possible 
to adopt a resolution on the basis of mass media reports," Russian delegation spokesman Sergei 
Trepelkov said.

Trepelkov was referring to reports first published in an Iraqi newspaper in January that listed 
recipients of illegal oil allocations, 46 of whom were Russian.

The U.S. General Accounting Office said last month in a report that Hussein's government took more 
than $10 billion from the oil-for-food program between 1997 and 2002 (Warren Hoge, New York Times, 
April 17).

The 270 companies, institutions, and individuals listed in the article published in January also 
included British and French business leaders and politicians and a Jordanian company.

"A private company in Jordan received a profit of $97 million in the month prior to the liberation. 
 Why?" asked Claude Hankes-Drielsma, a British adviser to the Iraq Governing Council.  "Hopefully, 
the investigation will show" (Anne Penketh, London Independent, April 19).

U.N. spokeswoman Marie Okabe said Friday that Security Council members were discussing the 
possibility of a resolution and that no formal announcement would be made before council members 
had reached a decision on the issue.

The U.N. oil-for-food program began in 1996 to aid Iraqis negatively affected when sanctions were 
imposed on Hussein's regime after his 1990 invasion of Kuwait.  Under the terms of the program, a 
portion of Iraqi oil revenues could be used to buy humanitarian relief.  Approximately $39 billion 
worth of humanitarian aid was delivered to about 22 million people (U.N. release, April 16).

Probe to blow lid off
massive U.N. scandal
Documents prove oil-for-food corruption involving world leaders


Posted: April 15, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Editor's note: WorldNetDaily is pleased to have a content-sharing agreement with Insight magazine, 
the bold Washington publication not afraid to ruffle establishment feathers. Subscribe to Insight 
at WorldNetDaily's online store and save 71 percent off the cover price.

By Kenneth R. Timmerman
© 2004 Insight/News World Communications Inc.

A team of international forensic investigators is preparing to blow the lid off the much-disputed 
U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq and will present new evidence of corruption at an upcoming 
congressional hearing that directly will implicate world leaders and top U.N. officials, Insight 
has learned.

Investigators, led by Claude Hankes-Drielsma and the KPMG accounting firm, currently are in Baghdad 
sifting through mountains of Saddam Hussein-era records seized from his Oil Ministry and the State 
Oil Marketing Organization that detail payments by Saddam to his legions of foreign friends and 
political supporters.

An Iraqi newspaper, Al-Mada, published the list of 270 recipients of special "allocations" [also 
known as vouchers] in January. But as Insight goes to press, the testimony of Hankes-Drielsma on 
April 22 before the House International Relations Committee is expected to provide new evidence of 
widespread international corruption.

In a scathing letter sent to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on March 3, which he made available 
to Insight, Hankes-Drielsma called the U.N. program "one of the world's most disgraceful scams," 
and said that "based on the facts as I know them at the present time, the U.N. failed in its 
responsibility to the Iraqi people and the international community at large."

In an earlier letter to Annan, to which he received no reply, Hankes-Drielsma noted that 
allocations of "very significant supplies of crude oil [were] made to ... individuals with 
political influence in many countries, including France and Jordan," both of which supported Saddam 
and his regime to the bitter end.

Under the U.N. program, the Dutch company Saybolt International BV was paid hefty fees to inspect 
oil tankers loading Iraqi crude in Basra, to make sure no cheating took place.

"Now it turns out that the inspecting company was paid off," one investigator said, "while on the 
ground, individual inspectors were getting cash bribes."

Saybolt denies it received an oil allocation, although the Iraqi documents show it was down for 3 
million barrels.

Saybolt spokesman Peter Box tells Insight that the company's own investigation of two known 
incidents of "topping off" involving the oil tanker Essex in 2001 "found no involvement of our 
staff at that particular time."

Saybolt continues to operate in Iraq today, although it now has an "entirely new group of people," 
Box adds.

Among the revelations at the April 22 hearings, Insight has learned from investigators directly 
working on the case, will be new details of oil vouchers allegedly granted to Patrick Maugein, a 
prominent crony of French President Jacques Chirac, said to total 72.2 million barrels.

Maugein's involvement in the U.N.-approved oil deals is significant, investigators say, because he 
is believed to be a conduit for backdoor payments to Chirac and his family. It was Chirac who 
spearheaded a worldwide coalition last year that opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and tried 
desperately to keep Saddam in power.

When the allegations of backdoor payments first surfaced in a Paris courtroom in 1998, Maugein 
swept them aside as "pure fantasy." And in a statement provided to Insight, he denies having raised 
funds for Chirac, his family or his political campaigns. But as more evidence begins to leak from 
the archives of Saddam's former oil ministry, such denials may become harder to sustain.

The vouchers were assigned to two trading companies, identified in the Iraqi documents as Trafigura 
and Ibex, both of which were involved in the Essex incident. Investigators say they believe both 
companies are tied to Maugein, either through beneficial ownership or contractual arrangement. 
Vouchers for an additional 11 million barrels were granted to Maugein business partner Cabecadas 
Rul de Soussa, according to the original Al-Mada list. The ties between de Soussa and Maugein were 
first revealed by Therese Raphael of the Wall Street Journal Europe.

Asked about the allegations by Insight, Maugein denied he was involved with either company, 
although he did acknowledge knowing their principals, with whom he had worked as an oil trader with 
Marc Rich in Switzerland.

He insisted that all his dealings with Iraq were legal and conducted through the oil-for-food 

"Patrick Maugein bought oil for his refinery in Mantua, Italy," a spokesman said. "All the oil 
deals were run by the U.N. They were paid through the U.N. and monitored by the U.N."

But those denials might not withstand the onslaught of the documents about to be released, 
investigators say.

"Already we've got details of all the accounts held in the names of individuals," one investigator 
tells Insight in an exclusive interview. "On these records are exact details of which accounts were 
held by whom," including the foreign proxies and their ultimate beneficiaries - in Iraq and 

The Iraqi documents specifically tie Maugein to the 25 million barrels allocated to Trafigura 
Beheer BV, a company Maugein claims was a competitor of his own London-based SOCO International. 
Investigators say other information they have developed shows that Maugein could be a "beneficial 
owner" of Ibex Energy, a holding company registered in Bermuda that was awarded vouchers for 47.2 
million barrels.

"That is a very high allocation," an investigator tells this magazine. "If a Cabinet minister gets 
12 million barrels, why would Ibex get 47 million barrels unless something much bigger was at 

Other French recipients named in the Iraqi documents include former Interior minister Charles 
Pasqua (12 million barrels), former French U.N. ambassador Jean-Bernard Merimee (8 million barrels) 
and Lebanese-French middleman Elias Firzli (14.6 million barrels).

Firzli acknowledged in a lengthy interview with Insight in Paris that the Iraqis were desperate to 
meet with Chirac and were willing to pay a high price for access. Shortly before the war broke out 
in March 2003, Firzli says he introduced Iraqi diplomat Nizar Hamdoon - sent as an emissary from 
Saddam - to senior French government officials in Paris. But Firzli scoffed at the oil vouchers, 
calling them "small stuff compared to the billions of dollars people made in the 1980s."

Published reports to date have focused on oil vouchers granted to the head of the United Nation's 
oil-for-food program, Benan Sevan, who has been on an extended vacation since the allegations first 
surfaced at the end of January. He denied the charges through a U.N. spokesman. And Insight has 
learned that as investigators pursue the document trail, they believe they are getting closer to 
world leaders, including Chirac.

But can it be proved?

"The Iraqi civil service, even under Saddam, was quite excellent. They kept meticulous records. 
Every order was cross-referenced, initialed and counterinitialed, so nobody could be accused of 
taking anything for himself," an investigator who recently returned from Baghdad tells Insight.

Scandal 'without precedent'

Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., chairman of the House International Relations Committee, sent a letter to 
U.N. Secretary-General Annan on April 1, which committee staffers tell this magazine was intended 
to "lay down a marker."

It called the scandal "without precedent in U.N. history" and urged Annan to make his response 
"equally unprecedented." Annan has announced that he will name an independent panel to investigate.

Fears of a U.N. whitewash run high on Capitol Hill. Hyde urged Annan to take steps to ensure that 
all documents relating to the oil-for-food program "be preserved and secured," and asked that 
special measures be taken to protect potential whistle-blowers who could provide testimony on the 
illicit deals.

The United States General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, told Hyde's 
committee recently that $10.1 billion of the estimated $60 billion handled by the United Nations 
under the program was paid in kickbacks, bribes and set-asides to Saddam and his cronies.

The KPMG forensic-accounting investigators were brought to Baghdad by the Iraqi Governing Council 
to get to the bottom of the scandal. But Insight has learned that the Coalition Provisional 
Authority, or CPA, led by J. Paul Bremer, recently took over the investigation, just as the 
accountants were stumbling over evidence of corruption by Americans working for the CPA.

"We were hearing stories of contractors passing envelopes with huge amounts of cash to CPA 
officials," an investigator says. "As much as $300,000 in cash passed hands."

Speaking from Baghdad, an Iraqi official confirmed to this magazine that the CPA was now in charge 
of these matters, although the Iraqi Governing Council was footing the bill.

"We no longer have control over the documents or the investigation," the official said.

In Washington, the State Department's Bureau of International Organizations is in charge of 
relations with the United Nations. In preparation for the April 22 hearing, Chairman Hyde has sent 
two letters to Assistant Secretary of State Kim Holmes requesting that State provide full 
documentation of the oil-for-food program, including commercial contracts.

Since the United States is a permanent member of the Security Council and a leading member of the 
U.N. Sanctions Committee, State has access to the full United Nations record but has been unwilling 
to make incriminating information public until now for fear of angering U.S. allies. France 
accounted for approximately 25 percent of all U.N.-approved trade with Iraq, according to an 
estimate by the CIA.

"Give France a break," says French ambassador to the United States Jean-David Levitte, writing in 
the Los Angeles Times.

He said allegations that France condoned kickbacks or took bribes "are completely false and can 
only have been an effort to discredit France, a longtime friend and ally of the U.S."

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