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[casi-analysis] casi-news digest, Vol 1 #133 - 1 msg

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Today's Topics:

   1. [Peace&Justice] Iraq's Labor Upsurge Supported By U.S. Unions (IRC Communications)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 14:32:44 -0600
From: IRC Communications <>
Subject: [Peace&Justice] Iraq's Labor Upsurge Supported By U.S. Unions

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Peace and Justice News from FPIF

July 28, 2004

Introducing a new commentary from Foreign Policy In Focus

Iraq's Labor Upsurge Wins Support From U.S. Unions
By David Bacon

Once the U.S. occupation of Iraq began over a year ago, Iraqi workers lost
no time in reorganizing their country's labor movement.  Labor activity
spread from Baghdad to the Kurdish north, with the center of the storm in
the south, in the oil and electrical installations around Basra, and the
port of Um Qasr.

Workers quickly discovered that the occupation authorities had little
respect for labor rights, however.  Once the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional
Authority (CPA) took power in Baghdad in March of 20003, it began enforcing
a 1987 law banning unions in public enterprises, where most Iraqis are
employed.  On top of this CPA head Paul Bremer added Public Order #1,
banning pronouncements that "incite civil disorder, rioting or damage to
property."  The phrase civil disorder can easily apply to organizing
strikes, and leaders of both the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU)
and Iraq's Union of the Unemployed have been detained a number of times.

David Bacon is a reporter and photographer specializing in labor issue and
a regular contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus ( (Ewa
Jasciewicz, in Basra for Occupation Watch earlier this year, contributed to
this report.)

See new FPIF commentary online at:

With printer friendly PDF version at:


Produced and distributed by FPIF:"A Think Tank Without Walls," a joint
program of Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC) and Institute for Policy
Studies (IPS).

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Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC)
Siri D. Khalsa
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