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Re: [casi-analysis] Will there be elections in January?

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[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ] writes:
You correctly note that Iraq will slip into further violence yet still
advocate the removal of troops at this time...
Then it'll be a matter of which group is the
most ruthless in its fight to control Iraq. The Iraqi people won't win. Iraq
will return to dictatorship....
This looks more like a 'principled' point of view, lacking in pragmatism or
care for Iraq.
It is clear that Iraq continues to "slip into further violence"

It is clear that the USA and its coalition of the willing has been and
continues to be "ruthless in its fight to control Iraq" bombing neighborhoods,
torturing individuals who are incarcerated as well as the citizens at large via
continuing lack of security, water, and electricity

In fact, the notion that the removal of troops is a first step is completely
pragmatic and filled with care for the Iraqi people.  The alternative is a
protracted situation which will not in fact provide any form of democracy for the
people but rather some proxy state in subservience to the will of the USA
where democracy is suppressed in favor of empire and corporate gain.  I believe
Peter's argument had to do with a long-term solution where ultimately the Iraqi
people could chart their own course rather than a short term suppression of
the people which is likely to provide a long-term fertile environment for the
insurgents for years to come.

Roger Stroope
Flagstaff, USA
Department of Anthropology
Northern Arizona University

'Bring them on!" President Bush challenged the early Iraqi insurgency in July
of last year. Since then, 812 American soldiers have been killed and 6,290
wounded, according to the Pentagon. 9/16/04

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