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[casi-analysis] US plans to attack water installations

[ This message has been sent to you via the CASI-analysis mailing list ]

Dear List Members,

Hassan writes:

> Even before the 1991 attacks, the US had planned to
> attack water installations and plants (and had plans
> for destroying dams), knowing their devastating
> effects on the civilians.

It would be interesting to know what, if any, evidence Hassan has to support
this claim.

> In 1991, the US intentionally destroyed water
> purification plants and sewage treatment plants,
> knowing that it was hurting the civilian population.

Again, it would be interesting to see some evidence to support this claim.
The DIA documents publicised by Tom Nagy do *not* establish this - as anyone
who's read them will know. It *is* known that the US deliberately targeted
elements of Iraq's electrical infrastructure in '91 - with horrifying and
deadly consequences that persist to this day - but this is a quite different

Best wishes,

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