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[casi-analysis] Soros report: The Legacy of Iraq

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Hi all,

Soros' Open Society Institute and the UN Foundation have just put out a
new report on Iraq

I've not looked at it properly yet, but judging by sheer bulk (~140 pages)
it looks like it's going to be a useful summary of developments over the
past 18 months.

OSI press release below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 16:56:07 -0500
From: Sarah Miller-Davenport <>


Sarah Miller-Davenport, OSI, 212-548-0378
Sudie Nolan, OSI-DC Office, 202-721-5600

The Legacy of Iraq
A new report examines the U.S./U.K. occupation and reconstruction of Iraq and what it means for the 

WASHINGTON, November 16, 2004-With the future of Iraq uncertain, a new report produced jointly by 
the Open Society Institute (OSI) and the United Nations Foundation aims to provide legislators and 
those involved in post-conflict reconstruction efforts with strategies for rebuilding Iraq. The 
report, Iraq in Transition: Post-Conflict Challenges and Opportunities, discusses the laws 
governing occupation, examines the challenges in reconstructing Iraq, and provides benchmarks in 
the key areas of security, governance, economics, social services and justice, so that the 
international community can measure Iraq's progress toward a more free and open society.

These benchmarks include:
        *       Establishing an independent Iraqi security force
        *       Providing dedicated UN security to permit greater UN presence in Iraq
        *       Holding certifiably free and fair elections and drafting a permanent constitution
        *       Creating mechanisms for transparent and open management of Iraq's finances and 
        *       Accelerating the disbursement of pledged international aid, and achieving 
substantial debt reduction for Iraq
        *       Expanding Iraqi job opportunities in both public and private sectors

Although it will be years before the world can fully assess the consequences of the U.S. and U.K's 
post-conflict reconstruction of Iraq, Iraq in Transition serves as a resource guide that begins to 
analyze the social, political and economic effects of the occupation on the evolving Iraqi state. 
"During occupation, the Coalition forces faced immense responsibilities and challenges," said 
Morton H. Halperin of the Open Society Institute in Washington. "Some errors and omissions were 
inevitable, but many of the mistakes were the result of ignoring the advice of those who knew Iraq 

A main legacy of the occupation is an unstable security environment in Iraq, due in part to 
inadequate planning, poor on-the-ground diplomacy and insufficient troop levels during the 
post-conflict period. In the four months since the Coalition handed over political power to an 
interim Iraqi government, widespread violence and insurgent attacks have escalated. Efforts to 
rebuild Iraq are proceeding, but at a much slower pace than originally envisioned, as contractors 
are kidnapped and killed and newly restored installations are sabotaged.

Iraq in Transition demonstrates that security issues, both during and beyond occupation, have 
dramatically affected Iraq's ability to establish self-governance and move forward with other 
aspects of reconstruction. Security concerns continue to plague preparations for the upcoming 
elections in Iraq, scheduled for January 2005.

Iraq in Transition also addresses the troubling economic legacy left by the occupation forces. On a 
rushed timeline just before the end of the occupation and with little Iraqi involvement, the 
Coalition Provisional Authority, which governed Iraq during occupation, committed billions of 
dollars to projects the Iraqi interim government is now obligated to carry out. Further hampering 
its economic recovery, Iraq's electric and oil output are lower now than prior to the overthrow of 
Saddam Hussein, and, despite massive international pledges for financial assistance, Iraq still 
faces unsustainable debt.

Iraq in Transition follows Reconstructing Iraq: A Guide to the Issues, a report produced last year 
by the Open Society Institute and the United Nations Foundation. Both reports are available on the 
Open Society Institute's website:

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