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Hello people.
  I was talking to a friend about CASI, who despite being a well-known
conspiracy theorist came up with a quite plausible, but very disturbing

The restriction of trade with Iraq is obviously in the interests of other
oil-producing nations - particularily in the Middle East. 
 The only nations who officially support the sanctions are the UK and the
 Middle Eastern nations also tend to buy large quantities of arms from,
erm, the UK and the US.
 A link, perhaps? Surely not.
 Of course, it is completely unheard of for oil cartels and arms
manufacturers to influence government policy....

  What do you think? Is it possible that millions of civilians will die in
order to balance the USA's trade balance?
  We can be in little doubt that the planned strike against Iraq is purely
an act for domestic politics (plenty of discussion of this on this list
already), so anything is possible....

Andrew M, Sidney Sussex

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