The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Former "human shield" condemns attack on Iraq

A former "human shield" held by Iraq for several months in 1990 condemns
proposed attack on Iraq and urges all Labour Party members to tear up
membership cards outside No 10 Downing Street urgently in protest of
unjustified action on Iraq. 

Cardiff based Professor Ron Eccles, who has been to Iraq on a number of
occassions as a visiting lecturer, said "I have always been a strong
supporter of the Labour Party, and have vigourosly campaigned for the
support of New Labour, but I and my family are taking this action because
we are so concerned that present government policy is inhuman and

Professor Eccles can be contacted:
       by telephone:  01222 - 552401
       by fax:  01222 - 569674

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