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Fermentation beat up confirmed

 Fermentation beat up confirmed  

 South News Feb 13

  Baghdad:  Iraq confirmed the  fiction of a Washington Post story  that it had sought to buy 
  from Russia to make biological weapons on Friday.  

  An Iraqi government spokesman denounced Thursday's report by the Washington Post that U.N.
  inspectors had found evidence of a Russian deal to sell Iraq equipment, including a 1,100-gallon
  fermentation vessel that could be used to develop biological weapons.  

  "The U.S. administration aims, by leaking this report to the Washington Post, to thwart the 
  efforts Russia is achieve a diplomatic solution to the current problem between Iraq 
on one
  side and the U.N. Special Commission (UNSCOM) and the United States on the other," a Culture and
  Information Ministry spokesman said.  

  The spokesman, quoted by the Iraqi news agency on Thursday night, said the "leaking of this false
  information" amounted to "media and diplomatic terrorism" against Russia.  
  The Washington Post newspaper said UN arms inspectors claim to have uncovered evidence of the
  deal between Moscow and Baghdad. The report quoted unnamed sources saying UN inspectors seized
  documents that described lengthy negotiations between Russia and Iraq over the sale of a giant
  fermentation tank, that would ostensibly be used to make protein for animal feed.  

  A "crude invention." was what Russia described the Washington Post story on Thursday. "Russia has
  never made any deals with Iraq that would violate international sanctions, moreover deals 
  supplies of banned technologies," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Gennady Tarasov told 
  in Moscow.  

  The Iraqi news agency quoted Lieutenant-General Amer Saadi, a presidential adviser, as saying: 
  industrial parties planned in 1995 to build a factory for animal feed and contacted Russian 
companies to
  supply them with a fermentation reservoir of 2,000 cubic meters...  

  "This size is suitable for producing industrial animal feed and is not practicable for other 
  purposes," he said.  

  Saadi said the steps had been taken with the knowledge of UNSCOM and under its supervision. There
  had been no concealment by Iraq, he added. Saadi said the deal had not gone beyond the initial 
  with no contract signed or meeting held to discuss it.

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