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Protest in Black - WEDNESDAY, Downing Street


"No More War in the Gulf... An End to Non-Military Sanctions Against Iraq
... The Iraqi People Have Suffered Enough."

Dear friend,

Please attend the "Eleventh Hour Vigil" at Downing Street on Wednesday 18th
February at 5:30 pm.

Please wear black, bring a candle and bring black ribbon, cloth ties, etc.
to fix around every tree, lampost etc. in the Parliament Square.

This is an emergency.  Please be there.  Bring your children.  Bring your


George Galloway, MP
Emergency Committee on Iraq
Room 501
7 Millbank

-- Emergency Committee on Iraq -- 
Chair, Tam Dalyell MP;
Members - Harold Pinter, Lady Antonia Fraser, Dr. Rana Kabani, Sabah
Al-Mukhtar, Harry Cohen MP, Seumas Milne, Jean Geldart, Hugh Stephens, Andy
De la Tour, Felicity Arbuthnot, Stuart Halford, Ken Cameron, and Mark Seddon

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