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ABC News Shows Ohio State Dissenters

Please share any info you have on how the media has presented the anti-war
(pro-peace) protesters in Ohio.  Much respect to the organizers and the

-Rania Masri

Iraq Action Coalition

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stanley Heller, Middle East Crisis Committee, 2/18/98

This is some of the start of tonight's ABC News broadcast.

Peter Jennings:

We're going to begin tonight with a White House Public Relation Offensive
that did not work as planned.  The President's Foreign Policy Team, the
Secretaries of State and Defense and the National Security Advisor went
out as a trio today in support of military action against Iraq.  It was
billed as a town meeting at Ohio State University in the middle of the
country, in the heartland so to speak.The White House made a deal to have
it televised by CNN and so it was seen all over the world.  and as it
turned out the Administration took it right between the eyes. 

Sam Donaldson: "No one thought selling the President's Iraqi policy would 
be easy, but was this expected?  Secretary of State was stopped dead for 
a moment with the type of vocal protest no heard since Vietnam. [Scenes 
of chanting]  Moderators Judy Woodruff and Bernard Shaw scrambled to 
restore order."

Shaw:  Can we please have order?

Donaldson: "After which Secretary of State Albright, Secretary of Defense 
Cohen and National Security advisor Berger alternately took questions and 

The program next showed a veteran who had lost a son in Vietnam who 
wondered if the government was going to get rid of Saddam Hussein or do a 
"half-assed" job.

Donaldson: "One questioner took on Secretary of State Albright with a 

"..they are slaughtering people in East Timor.  What do you have
to say about Israel which is slaughtering Palestinians.  Why are we 
bombing Iraq when it commits similar problems"  Cheers in the background

Albright "Really I'm surprised that people think it's necessary to defend 
the rights of Saddam Hussein."

"You're not answering my question."  Cheers in the background

Donaldson went on to show a phone call from a soldier who supported 
the Presdient and said he would be the first to give up his life in the 

Donaldson:  "When the final questioner became personal the three 
officials rose to the occasion."

"How can these people sleep at night.  If we want to deal with Saddam, we 
deal with Saddam, not with the Iraqi people."

Albright, "We are trying to create a situation where all of you can sleep 
safely at night"

The other officials made statements that were applauded.

Donaldson concluded:

"But the overall impression created by the protestors was not welcome to 
an Administration that is trying to explain a military endgame that no 
one can be sure of."

Right on, Ohio State!!!!

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