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Iraq Conference

Dear Everyone

On Saturday 21st March there will be a conference at the LSE, 10 am to 5
pm:  IRAQ - OPPORTUNITIES FOR JUSTICE>  It will be about the possibility
of one day bringing Saddam Hussein to trial, the International Crminial
Court Campaign, a Truth Commission for Iraq, etc.  It is being oprganised
by the Kurdish Human Rights Project and CARDI.  It will be addressed by
eminent speakers, including Ann Clwyd MP and Nicholas Stewart QC (from the
Bar Human Rights Committee).

For advanced bookings, the concession price is only £3

If interested, please contact:
Iraq - Opportunities for Justice
Room 319
Linen Hall
162-168 Regent Street
London  W1R 5TB

Tel 0171 287 2772

Have a good holiday.

Best wishes

Christ's College
St. Andrew's Street
Tel: 01223 767443
College Fax: 01223 334967
Home: 01293 425146

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