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Reading on sanctions (fwd)

I've been idly compiling a brief bibliography of articles and books on 
economic sanctions & related issues. This should provide more substantial 
information than the short pieces which are frequently posted on the 
CASI discussion group. It's intended for those planning to go to Iraq 
this summer in deciding what research project/s to undertake. I haven't 
looked at most of these items, so I'm not vouching for their quality. 
I haven't included anything solely on the 1991 bombardment itself, as the 
literature is vast. Comments on items & recommended titles would be 
appreciated, especially on Oil-for-Food: I've yet to find anything 
more detailed than a few brief articles in Middle East International.

Eric Hoskins, 'Iraq', in Cortright et al. (eds), Civilian Pain and 
Political Gain: The Humanitarian Consequences of Economic Sanctions (1997)

A. Cordesman & A. Hashim, Iraq: Sanctions and Beyond (Boulder, CO:1997)

G.L. Simons, The Scourging of Iraq: sanctions, law and natural justice 
(Basingstoke, 1996) - the standard campaigners' book

Centre for Economic and Social Rights, Unsanctioned Suffering: A Human 
Rights Assessment of U.N. Sanctions on Iraq (New York, 1996)

Ann Clwyd, 'Iraq: Sanctions and Human Rights' (1996 pamphlet from the 
pro-bombing MP)

R. Normand, 'Iraqi sanctions, human rights and humanitarian law', Middle 
East Report, 26 (1996), 40

Graham Brown, 'The Iraq sanctions dilemma', Middle East Report, 25 (1995), 2-12

Alan Dowty, 'Sanctioning Iraq', The Washington Quarterly, 17 (1994), 179-98

J. Patterson, 'The Sanctions Dilemma', Middle East Report, 24 (1994), 24f

Eric Hoskins, 'The Truth Behind Economic Sanctions', in Ramsey Clark et al., War Crimes: A Report 
on United States War Crimes against Iraq (Washington: 1992)


Margaret Doxhey, International sanctions in comparative perspective, 2nd
edn (London: 1996)      - the standard work on sanctions

Albert Pierce, 'Just war principles and economic sanctions', Ethics and 
International Affairs, 10 (1996), 103   - focuses on Haiti

D.L. Losman, 'Pain without Gain: the Sanctions saga', Mediterranean
Quarterly, 8 (1997), 36-59

L.F. Damrosch, 'The Civilian Impact...', in Damrosch (ed), Enforcing
Restraint (New York, 1993), 274-315

D. Cortright & G. Lopez, Economic Santions (Boulder, CO:1995)

E. Nicholson, Why does the West forget? (London, 1993 - the former Tory &
LibDem MP, who adopted an Iraqi child?)


Lori Buck et al., 'Sanctions as a gendered instrument of statecraft: the
case of Iraq', Review of International Studies, 24 (1998) 69-84

L. Cainkar, 'The Gulf War, Sanctions, and the Lives of Iraqi Women', Arab
Studies Quarterly, 15 (1993), 15-49.

Bela Bhatia et al, in International Study Team (see below)

On women before the war, see:
Sana al-Khayyat, Honour and Shame: Women in Modern Iraq (London, 1990)
Doreen Ingrams, The Awakened: Women in Iraq (London, 1983)
Amal al-Sharqi, 'Emanicipation of Iraqi Women', in T. Niblock, Iraq: The
Contemporary State (London: 1982)

The Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Profile 1995-96: Iraq (London,

A. Alnasrawi, 'Economic Devastation, Underdevelopment and Outlook', in F.
Hazelton (ed.), Iraq Since the Gulf War (London, 1994)

A. Alnasrawi, The Economy of Iraq: Oil, War, Destruction of Development
and Prospects (Westport, CT, 1993)

H.N. Barnouti, Letter from Iraq: Effect of sanctions on surgical practice, 
British Medical Journal, 313 (Dec 7, 1996), 1474-5

S. Zaida and M. Fazwi, 'Health of Baghdad's Children', The Lancet, 346 (2
Dec 1995), 1485.  - famous letter to editors from FAO researchers

Editorial in the Lancet, 346 (Dec 2, 1995), 1439
See also the numerous letters in Lancet, 347 (Jan 20, 1996), pp.198-200.

C. Court, Iraq sanctions lead to half a million child deaths [news],
British Medical Journal 311 (9 Dec 1995), 1523

M. al-Farekh, A physician's eyewitness report in Iraq [letter], Lancet
345 (1995 May 13), 1242

Y. Etienne & P.G. Nembrini, (Medical Division, International Committee of
the Red Cross), Establishing water and sanitation programmes in conflict 
situations: the case of Iraq during the Gulf War, Soz Praventivmed (YF1),
40.1 (1995): 18-26

Andrea Needham, Sanctions and Iraq, Health Visit, 67.2 (Feb 1994), 71

A. Bierman, The Gulf War and infant and child mortality in Iraq [letter;
comment], New England Journal of Medicine (1993 May 6); 328 (18):

Alberto Ascherio et al., 'Effect of the Gulf War on Infant and Child
Mortality in Iraq', New England Journal of Medicine, 327 (1992), 931f

M.K. Sharief, Malnutrition in Iraq, Lancet, 338 (1991 Dec 21-28), 1599

Editorial, Health problems in Iraq, 304 British Medical Journal (1992
Feb 22), 455-6

J.O. Field JO & R.M. Russell (nutrition mission for UNICEF), Nutrition
Review, 50.2 (1992 Feb), 41-6

Editorial & article, Starvation in Iraq, 338 Lancet (1991 Nov 9), 1179-80
& 1202f. Follow up letters at 1336 & 1599.

The Harvard Study Team, 'The Effects of the Gulf Crisis on the Children
of Iraq', New England Journal of Medicine, 325 (1991), 977f - famous, but

International Study Team, Health and Welfare in Iraq after the Gulf
Crisis: An In-Depth Assessment (London, 1991) - likewise

Jean Dreze, Hunger and Poverty in Iraq (1996 pamphlet)

J. Fine, 'The Iraq Sanctions Catastrophe', Middle East Report 22 (1992), 36

Eric Rouleau, 'America's Unyielding Policy toward Iraq', Foreign Affairs,
74 (1995), 59-72

R.R. Francke, 'The Iraqi Opposition and the Sanctions Debate', Middle
East Report 25 (1995), 14-17

D. Hopwood (ed.), Iraq: Power and Society (Reading: Ithaca, 1993)

Special Issue of Politics and Life Sciences, August 1995 (vol 14:2).

C. Lijnzaad et al., 'Protection of the Environment in times of Armed Conflict: The Iraq-Kuwait 
War', Netherlands International Law Review 1993, 169-99

The journal IRAQ

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