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Japan, Britain excluded from Iraq's oil-for-food

                       Japan, Britain excluded from
                       Iraq's oil-for-food programme: report

                       12:02 GMT, 12 August 1998
                       TOKYO, Aug 12 (AFP) -Iraq excluded
                       Japan and Britain from its oil export
                       contracts for the second half of 1998
                       in an oil-for-food humanitarian
                       programme agreed under UN
                       sanctions, a report said Wednesday.

                       The decision at the "highest level" of
                       the Iraqi government was apparently
                       due to the two countries' support for
                       the sanctions, Kyodo news agency
                       quoted an Iraqi oil official and
                       Japanese industry sources as saying.

                       The oil-rich country instead agreed
                       more contracts with Russia, France
                       and China which had been pressing
                       for an early lifting of the sanctions,
                       the news agency reported.

                       Saddam Zaban al-Hassan of Iraq's
                       State Oil Marketing Corporation said
                       last month Iraq had so far signed 48
                       contracts for the six months to
                       December 3 with unidentified
                       companies for the sale of 302 million
                       barrels of oil.

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