The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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CNN Poll on Iraq

- please vote
- please publicize

CNN is conducting a poll on Iraq. The question is:

How should the U.N. deal with Iraq's latest refusal to cooperate with
weapons inspectors? 

So far, here are the results:
Ease some sanctions    9%                3935 votes  
Threaten military action    70%         31757 votes  
By diplomatic means    13%              5930 votes  
Remove all sanctions    9%              3900 votes  
        Total:  45522 votes  

The Poll is on:

(and, yes, the website does allow you to vote more than once; simply
"reload/refresh" the screen first ;)

-Rania Masri

This is a discussion list run by Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
To be removed/added, email, NOT the
whole list. Archived at

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