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Galloway: 'Undercover Mossad agents' in UN team

'Undercover Mossad agents' in UN team 

(BBC Tuesday, November 3, 1998)

 MP George Galloway: Named four "Mossad agents" working in Iraq 

 A UK MP has said that four members of the United Nations
 weapons inspection team in Iraq are Israeli spies. 

 Labour's George Galloway, who has campaigned against air strikes
 on Iraq, named four people he alleged were agents of Mossad, the
 Israeli secret service, working under false names and papers with
 the Unscom team. 

 But Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said he had "no corroboration" of
 the claims, which he said emanated from Baghdad. 

 Mr Galloway also said a senior UN official had told him that Unscom
 head Richard Butler was "a congenital liar" - an allegation
 "utterly" rejected by Mr Cook. 

 The clash came in Commons exchanges after the Foreign
 Secretary made a statement on the deepening crisis over Iraq's
 withdrawal of co-operation with the UN weapons inspectors. 

 Unscom's former chief of inspectors, Scott Ritter, has
 alleged the organisation received substantial aid from Mossad. 

 Mr Galloway demanded: "Isn't the problem the total bankruptcy of
 Unscom as a credible player in this whole affair? 

 'Working under pseudonyms' 

 "Recently a very senior official of the UN described to me Richard
 Butler, the head of Unscom, as a congenital liar - and this on the
 basis of decades of knowledge of the man." 

 He said: "Scott Ritter since his resignation had admitted that he was
 working with Israeli intelligence whilst being the deputy head of a
 UN mission in Baghdad." 

 The Glasgow Kelvin MP went on: "In the last few hours it has been
 revealed that four inspectors working in Iraq under pseudonyms
 and carrying false passports were in fact Colonel Khadouri,
 Lieutenant Shamani, Colonel Rabscon and Jador Dalal Shamoni - all
 operatives of the Mossad Israeli intelligence." 

 Mr Galloway added: "All of us hope that these inspectors can get
 back to work monitoring these awful weapons, which exist not only
 in Iraq but throughout the region, not least in Israel. 

 "But a new and credible leadership of Unscom, and transparency in its
 work, will be required as a  precondition for credibility to be

 He demanded a timescale for the ending of sanctions against Iraq,
 which he said were killing 6,000 Iraqi children each month. 

 Replying, Mr Cook said: "I have heard of the reports that there
 have been four people alleged by Baghdad to be working for Israel
 within Unscom. 

 "I have to say to the house at the present time that I have no
 corroboration of these reports - and they do stem from Baghdad." 

 He told Mr Galloway: "I have to say in respect of Mr Butler that I
 strongly disagree with his characterisation. 

 "I have known Richard Butler long before he became the head of
 Unscom. I am bound to say I know him to be a committed diplomat. 

 "I would utterly acquit him of the charges made against him." 

 Mr Cook added: "Baghdad's main complaint against Richard Butler is
 that simply he has been too robust in carrying out the job that the
 UN asked him to do." 

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