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Iraq wants dialogue: UK MP

Iraq wants dialogue: UK MP 

             BAGHDAD:Iraq is seeking a dialogue with the United
             Nations on the crisis over arms inspections and its demands
             for a lifting of sanctions, a visiting British MP said here on

             ``They want a dialogue, that's what they want. If there is a
             real prospect for sanctions to be lifted, they will be ready to
             cooperate,'' said Tam Dalyell, who met Iraq's Deputy
             Prime Minister Tariq Aziz twice on Sunday. 

             ``I don't think they will step down unless the world does
             something about the sanctions'' which have been in force
             since Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait, Dalyell said. 

             He added that Aziz was in favour of a visit by UN Secretary
             General Kofi Annan, who however has said he has no such
             plans at present. 

             In February, the Secretary General visited Baghdad and
             struck an 11th-hour accord which averted US-led military
             action in a previous crisis over weapons inspections. 

             On the latest US and British warnings of possible military
             action on Iraq, the British MP said that Aziz was resigned. 

             ``Aziz was very fatalistic. He thinks the suffering of his
             people was something that should be brought to the
             attention of the world,'' said Dalyell, referring to the eight
             years of sanctions. 

             Dalyell is part of a British-Irish parliamentary delegation,
             including former Irish prime minister Albert Reynolds.
             They are due to meet health minister Umid Medhat
             Mubarak before leaving on Monday. (AFP)

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