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casualty figures

***** quote

I have been very concerned about the lies, deceit and 
failure to tell the whole truth ever since the US (and Britain) 
decided to bomb Iraq using the invasion of Kuwait as a pretext. I am 
thoroughly ashamed of what we are doing to the people of Iraq - 
particularly the long lasting deadly sanctions on top of a brutal 
massacre of their civilians and troops and severe economic and 
infrastructural damage carried out during the Gulf War.

How can we obtain from the people that run our 
country the following information relating to Desert Fox:

1) what are OUR estimates of casualties to Iraqi troops - we did 
after all target military barracks in the middle of the night.

2) what are OUR estimates of civilian casualties

There has been a deafening silence on these matters from our side - 
the Iraqis being a proud people are unlikely to admit to heavy 

***** unquote

I've emailed my MP with the above. Most of the voters in the UK are 
barely aware of the extent (or even the existence) of the casualties 
arising from the Gulf War and the crippling sanctions. I've also used 
the complaints/errors feedback facility of the BBC News pages to try 
and get casualty figures.

If we do get any casualty figures I guess that they will come from 
the US. The UK are very practiced at not divulging information!
Mark Parkinson
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