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Casualties and claims: BBC

Published by BBC last Wednesday:

*Funeral services have been held for 68 people who Iraqi officials say
were killed in the raids. But Iraq's Ambassador to the UN, Nizar
Hamdoon, said: "I'm told that the casualties are in the thousands in
terms of numbers of people who were killed or wounded." 

Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz said 62 Iraqi soldiers were
killed and 180 wounded in the attacks. He did not detail civilian
casualties, saying only that they were much higher. 

But because the Iraqi authorities control journalists' access to damage
sites, confirmation of this has been impossible. The UK Ministry of
Defence said it was not certain that the full facts about Iraqi
casualties would ever be known. 

The Iraqi authorities say the air strikes deliberately targeted civilian
facilities including hospitals, colleges, residential areas of Baghdad
and food storage areas. 

Several weeks after the strikes, the UN children's fund, Unicef, made a
first preliminary assessment of damage to civilian facilities. They said
a warehouse containing rice was destroyed in Tikrit in northern Iraq,
ten schools in the southern port city of Basra were damaged, and an
agricultural college in Kirkuk in northern Iraq received a direct hit. 

They said that in Baghdad medical and maternity centres, a water supply
system and parts of the health and social affairs ministries were

Following Iraqi claims of civilian casualties, the UK Ministry of
Defence held a briefing showing detailed slides of damaged targets,
including one target - a military garrison - where there had been a near
miss. This was shown to illustrate that even the misses came close
enough to cause considerable damage.*

Harriet Griffin
Environmental Change Unit
University of Oxford
5 South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3UB
United Kingdom

Phone: ++ 44 (0)1865 281210
Fax:  ++ 44 (0) 1865 281202

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