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Re: Anthrax in UK? (fwd)

On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Richard Pond wrote:

> Any comments on this?  I haven't heard anything about this either.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Arguing with a friend about the recent military strikes of U.S.K on Iraq, I
> was told that Iraq had tried few months ago to smuggle Antrax into Britain,
> in order to use it there as a biological weapon in a terrorist attack.
> Since I had no idea what he was talking about, I couldn't react on that.
> Does anybody know if such a thing has happened?

The only thing this brings to mind, which may be what your friend's friend
was referring to, was when a memo was sent to all UK Customs points asking
them to be on the alert for people smuggling Anthrax into the UK for use
in terrorist attacks. It was leaked to the press and caused minor panic,
upon which the authorities said it was just a routine memo and nothing to
worry about. I think it said something riduculous along the lines of
'watch out for bottles which may contain Anthrax', prompting headlines
about "Anthrax in your Duty-Free" etc.  I can't remember exactly when it
was but I seem to remember the timing was a little bit suspect, i.e. it
was quite a 'convenient' time to remind the public about how nasty Anthrax

I guess it wouldn't be very hard to smuggle Anthrax into the UK - the
point is that current British policy creates a 'reason' people might want


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