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Re: Publicity

Dear Mark,

The purpose of this list is not primarily to "win people over to the
cause", because as you say most of its readers are already won over, but
it is to provide them with fuller information than they may already have
on the situation, making it easier for them to convince other people and
campaign effectively.

As for CASI's public awareness-raising efforts, your question is mostly
answered in the newsletter you received by email a few days ago.  Starting
next Saturday is a national speaking tour by Denis Halliday who CASI is
flying to the UK specially and whose public events in 5 different cities
in the UK (including Cambridge) are being widely publicised. The hectic
schedule of media work incorporated into his tour may reach tens or
hundreds of thousands more people around the country.

More locally, later this term we are starting an informational poster
campaign in Cambridge, and are participating in a national day of action
against the sanctions on 27th February (an idea conceived at a national
planning meeting for groups working against the sanctions which we hosted
in Cambridge last December).

At risk of repeating the entire contents of the newsletter, another
project in its early stages is a national newspaper advertisement endorsed
by a variety of 'famous or important people'. A final thing worth
mentioning is our website, which attracts quite a lot of enquiries from
people who are interested enough to be looking for information but are not
necessarily convinced. 

The primary contraint stopping us doing even more than this is lack of
time -- most of this work is done by a small core of people, so if you (or
anyone else reading this) are offering to help, let me know and I'll
invite you to a committee meeting! (or come to the Cambridge-wide planning
meeting tomorrow (Monday) at 7:30 in Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane).

The second constraint is money, and the plea which goes with that is to
encourage people who support us but haven't yet officially joined CASI to
send us 5 pounds. It'll be put to good use and you'll become an official
CASI member. (send a cheque payable to CASI, to Seb Wills at Clare College
(Cambridge, CB2 1TL)) 

Hope this answers your question!
(please send any replies directly to me not to the list unless you're sure
it's of interest to the whole list)

(CASI coordinator)

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