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Re: Day of Action:steering committee

Good work Yousef!

To those who don't know Yousef, he attended the CASI - city meeting last
Monday at Friends' House and has now served as CASI liason on the steering
committee for us.  Thank you very much for jumping in.

On Monday morning Glen Rangwala, Vicky Russell, Prof. Postgate and myself
met to begin work on the 20 page pamphlet for the stall (and possibly more
extensive distribution).  Our deadline for a first draft is 10 February.

Who is constructing the table itself?  Remember that Elinor Wakefield
<> has offered to help with street theatre (after a
rest after the Halliday tour!). WE CAN DISCUSS THESE PLANNING ISSUES AT

I am more than happy to volunteer for the table whenever is most

If I haven't sent a copy of the minutes to you, Yousef, by the end of the
week, please remind me.  Will you be able to attend the 8 February

Colin Rowat
King's College                                                 
Cambridge CB2 1ST                       tel: +44 (0)468 056 984
England                                 fax: +44 (0)1223 335 219

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