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The US does it again - another missile on Iran

                       Tehran wants US apology over errant missile landing 
                       12:01 GMT, 27 January 1999

                       TEHRAN, Jan 27 (AFP) -Iran's
                       Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi called
                       on the United States on Wednesday
                       to apologize over the landing of an
                       Iraq-bound missile in an Iranian
                       border town. 

                       "The United States should present
                       its apologies and repair the damage
                       incurred," state radio quoted Kharazi
                       as saying. "The US government
                       must repair the moral damage it has
                       inflicted on Iran for the violation of
                       its air space." 

                       The minister warned that Iran's
                       armed forces "will respond to any
                       aggression and defend the country,"
                       but did not elaborate. 

                       Iran's parliamentary speaker
                       Ali-Akbar Nateq Nuri accused the
                       United States on Wednesday of
                       threatening his country's national
                       security after the landing of the
                       stray missile on the outskirts of
                       Abadan on Monday.

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