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can anyone write a one page precis of Unscom's work?

Hi all,

I'm helping to edit a 20-page briefing document on the situation in Iraq
for distribution on the upcoming "day of action" on the 27 February.
While we've focussed on humanitarian issues so far we do need to discuss
the Unscom side as well.  As I don't have the time to track these down for
the weekend I wonder whether anyone out there could come up with a one
page summary, properly referenced (ideally to UN documents), addressing:

1. what Unscom has found;
2. what it has still to find;
[3. why Butler replaced Ekeus;]
[4. whether the goalposts have moved.]

Items 3 and 4 are unnecessary but would be nice.  If the British
government has made conflicting comments (on the one hand praising
Unscom's effectiveness in eradicating Iraqi WMDs [last Feb?] and, on the
other hand, claiming massive stocks to justify December's bombings) then
it would be nice to be able to present these side by side.

Thank you,

Colin Rowat
King's College                                                 
Cambridge CB2 1ST                       tel: +44 (0)468 056 984
England                                 fax: +44 (0)1223 335 219

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