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Mid-April planning

Dear All,

So far as we know, the UNSC Panels are due to report in about a month's
time. We can be confident that there will be, both before and after they
report, a wave of government propaganda concerning all three dimensions of
the present inquiries. Ideally, the anti-sanctions movement ought to

1) pre-empt the findings of the Panels, saying what they _should_ find;
2) respond immediately to the Panel reports; and
3) rebut instantly government propaganda concerning the Panel reports.

The most important task is of course (3). I suggest a concerted
letter-writing/faxing/emailing effort immediately after the Panel reports
come out to (a) respond to the government's spin on the Panel reports and
(b) respond to the Panel reports themselves.

The _logistics_ could be organised at the 20 March meeting in London (see
earlier message).

The _content_ would depend on enough of us being able to study the
reports/government claims/other evidence and pool a response straightaway.

Is there anyone willing to prepare for either the UNSCOM or the Kuwaiti
Panels? (Not that these have the same priority as the humanitarian issue, of

Milan Rai

voices in the wilderness uk
12 Trinity Road, London N2 8JJ
phone/fax: 0181 444 1605

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