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Re: Put Foreign Office on trial

bas 'The Chunky Monkey' kirmani

>In response to Alan Bates' unnecessarily vitriolic attack on the protest at the Foreign Office against bombing and >sanctions, I'm going to take the liberty (as one of the defendants) of making a detailed response. 
Dear All,
    I don't at all agree with Mr. Bates' arguments, but to critise his opinions in the way this particular email was done is not only counterproductive, it seems hypocritical. No one will achieve anything by making personal comments against someone who is, after all, just voicing what they think... which I understand was the whole point of the list.
    Mr. Bates might be wrong (I use the word purely from my own perspective, note) , but we're not achieving anything by beating his ideas around the head with a cricket bat... this has devolved into a slanging match. It's exactly ideas and perspectives like his that we need to address in the country as a whole... not everyone is lucky enough to have the perspective of people on the list. More discussion, more correction, please. Less abuse.
    yours distressed,
    bas kirmani

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