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Re: Compensation Fund

<< If you read 687, you'll see
 that a major identified need for the oil-for-food setup is the need to force
 Iraq to pay reparations (no matter how miserable the Iraqi people are). >>

     Israelis Awarded Iraq Compensation 

                Thursday, April 15, 1999; 11:17 a.m. EDT

                JERUSALEM (AP) -- Some 68 Israeli companies will share over
                $31 million in compensation for damage they sustained during 
                1991 Gulf War, Israel's Justice Ministry said Thursday. 

                The money comes from a U.N. committee established in 1991 to
                compensate individuals and businesses harmed by Iraq during 
                war. The committee draws its funds from Iraqi oil revenues. 

                The decision by the Geneva-based committee, announced Tuesday,
                represents the first time the fund has compensated Israeli
                companies. Previous awards have been made to individual 

                Nearly $31.5 million will go to 68 Israeli companies that 
                damage when Iraq unleashed 40 Scud missiles on the Jewish 

                The largest award among those going to companies is nearly 
                million; the smallest, nearly $2,000. Requests from another 17
                companies were rejected; another 39 are awaiting a decision. 

                The committee also granted 13 individuals a total of about
                $231,000. Nearly $900,000 has already been awarded to 

               Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

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