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Anti-sanctions quotes


Anti-sanctions quotes collected by US campaigner Drew Hamre, Golden
Valley (suburban Minneapolis), Minnesota USA (

Support from the unlikeliest sources.  It may be safe to generalize that
NO ONE who has spent time in sanctioned Iraq is a proponent of these

CNN's war diva, Christianne Amanpour ... 
The following statement was made on CNN's "Larry King Live", December
17, 1998 (transcript at
"I don't think you can underestimate just how much the people of Iraq
have suffered over the last eight years. These punishing sanctions that
are designed to punish the government and to force the government into
compliance have only really hurt the people and hurt them very much

>From the first head of UNSCOM (Butler's predecessor), Swedish diplomat
Rolf Ekeus 
Excerpt from "Out of the Ashes" by Andrew and Patrick Cockburn,
Harper-Collins, 1999, p96-97 
"When he (Ekeus) arrived in New York, he discovered that no funds had
been allocated for the fledgling organization.  The only way he could
raise some money was to personally vouch for a loan from the secretary
general's ready cash fund. ... 'I felt I couldn't afford to wait a day,'
(Ekeus) recalled seven years later.  'Iraqi oil exports had been
13-billion dollars a year, just about 35-million a day.  My conscience
would not permit me to delay even one day.  I thought, That day will
cost the Iraqi children 35-million dollars."

>From hardline former UNSCOM arms inspector Scott Ritter ... 
"Economic sanctions ... failed. We're killing 5,000 kids under the age
of five every month. Now people say Saddam's killing them, but
ultimately, sanctions are killing them, and we shouldn't be supportive
of something that causes innocent people to suffer to such a degree.
Bombing Iraq, enforcing no-fly zones -- to what end? To what purpose?"
Interviewer: "How do you feel about people like Denis Halliday who
resigned at a similar time to you in protest at the sanctions?"
Ritter: "I have nothing but the highest respect for Denis Halliday. And
it would surprise a lot of people to find out that I totally agree with
Denis Halliday. Sanctions are horrible. The sanctions regime being
imposed on Iraq is a huge injustice being perpetrated by the United
Nations at the behest of the United States.  Sanctions were imposed on
Iraq to punish Iraq for invading Kuwait. ... But the purpose of
sanctions is to create harm in Iraq. To create pain. ... (but) the pain
is being felt by 22 million innocent Iraqi people, not by the
leadership, not by Saddam Hussein, not by his cronies. So therefore
sanctions are going after the wrong people. The people of Iraq are not
the decision makers."
"(Ritter) now says dialogue is the best way for Washington to avoid
further conflict with (Iraq). ...   '(Diplomatic) engagement, I believe,
should be focused on the issue of economic resonstruction of the Iraqi
economy, what I call ... the new Marshall Plan for Iraq,'  Ritter said
in New York."

David Kay, who led the first United Nations inspection team into Iraq in
Interview at 
Q: "What's wrong with just continuing with sanctions? 
A: "First of all, (Saddam's) making $1 billion a year from oil even with
the sanctions. Secondly, sanctions have decimated the middle class.
Unlike the rest of the Middle East, Iraq has a middle class that's had
extensive contact with Europe and the West. Not just a trader class, but
doctors, scientists and technicians. These people are suffering, and I
think we have failed them."


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