The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

Views expressed in this archived message are those of the author, not of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Iraq Conference im Montreal

Salam everybody!

GOOD NEWS! Our campaign is starting to pick up a little steam!

First, as many of you already know, we are going to hold a public
conference on June 3rd, for which we have very interesting guest speakers.
We will need the help of everybody to distribute tasks related to the
organisation and publicity surrounding this conference (read below).

Second, we are starting to obtain support for our campaign from various
organisations.  Even if this is just a beginning, it is encouraging.  Here
are the details:

         *                       JUNE 3 CONFERENCE                      *
         *                                                              *
         *  GUEST SPEAKERS:                                             *
         *                                                              *
         *          ==>  Dr. Allan Connolly, from Vancouver, just       *
         *               recently back from a second humanitarian       *
         *               delegation to Iraq                             *
         *                                                              *
         *          ==>  Rania Masri, coordinator of      *
         *              Iraq Action Coalition in the U.S.A.        *
         *                                                              *
         *  MODERATOR:                                                  *
         *                                                              *
         *          ==>  Josée Lambert, a Quebec photographer,          *
         *               recently designated 'Artiste pour la paix 1998'*
         *               who will also talk about her 1993 visit to     *
         *               Iraq                                           *

LOCATION and TIME of the conference:

        UQAM - Pavillon JA DeSève
        320 Ste-Catherine East (near St-Denis street- Metro Berri-Uqam)
        Room DS-R510 (Street level)
        Thursday, June 3, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
                  (Room booked from 6 à 11PM)

Please begin spreading the news!

        //                                                   //
        //         IMPORTANT ORGANIZING MEETING              //
        //               Thursday May 20                     //
        //                   6:00 PM                         //
        //    in the small cafeteria located just to the     //
        //    left of Room DS-R510 (see above)               //
        //                                                   //
        //  Small posters and flyers will be available in    //
        //           French, English, and Arabic.            //
        //     EVERYBODY'S participation is important to     //
        //  distribute tasks related to the organisation &   //
        //  publicity surrounding our June 3rd conference.   //
        //                                                   //
        //           INTERESTED IN HELPING OUT!              //
        //                                                   //

Other good news concerning our campaign:

== (1) ==> In the past few weeks, information kits about the sanctions and
our campaign have been FAXED and mailed to approximately 200 organisations
in the Montreal area (community, women's, student, trade union
organisations, etc) and to roughly 30 journalists and 'recherchistes' in
the media (T.V. + Radio + written press)


= A couple of local unions have sent support for our goals and small
donations; they have also sent protest messages to Lloyd Axworthy.

= Important NGOs (Développement & Paix, OXFAM-Québec) have shown interest
and we need to follow up on this;

= AQOCI (Association Québécoise des Organismes de Coopération
Internationale, an umbrella organisation for some 50 groups in Quebec
mostly doing public education work around international development issues)
has officially endorsed our campaign and will publicise our June 3rd
conference to its 50 member groups.

= Solidarité Populaire Québec (SPQ), a province-wide umbrella organization
of trade-unions and community groups, while NOT officially endorsing our
campaign for now, has sent its 600 FAX-list recipients a 2-page summary
about our campaign (which we had prepared at their request) including our
message of protest to Lloyd Axworthy concerning Canadian policy on
sanctions against Iraq.

== The 'Conseil central de la CSN du Montréal métropolitain', regrouping
Montreal area local trade-unions affiliated to the CSN (Confédération des
syndicats nationaux) has indicated support for our campaign and is
interested in cooperating with us; this may include participation in a
delegation to Iraq.

== (2) ==> A couple of hundred messages of protest to Lloyd Axworthy have
been filled out and signed at 'information booths' at McGill (twice),
Université de Montréal (once), a solidarity event on Kurdistan and on other

Recently, we have been taking this message to people in 'postcard' form.
1000 postcards were printed and we started using them since April 30.

Raymond Legault,
for the Coordinating Committee of VOICES OF CONSCIENCE
fn:Marc Azar

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