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WWU passes anti-sanctions resolution!


Tonight Western Washington University's Associated Students Board of 
Directors passed a resolution calling for an end to the sanctions against 

While the resolution passed does not have the "teeth" we originally wanted 
it to have, (i.e. calling on the campus community to educate itself and 
become more active in the grassroots campaign against the sanctions) there 
is room for us to come back to the AS Board next year to sharpen the 

If I am not mistaken, WWU is now the 13th college in the country and the 
first on the West Coast to pass such a resolution at the level of the 
student government.

I suspect that our group, LIFE (Liberate Iraq From Economic sanctions) will 
sit on this resolution until next school year since this was passed so late 
in this school year.

However next year we would like to take this to our Faculty Senate, the 
University President, and the Board of Trustees for endorsements.

Charlie Brown,
for LIFE
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA
(360) 714-0857

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