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Mortality rates in Iraq - from Iraqi DOH

[For a summary of the March 1999 UN report, please refer to:]


Mortality rate increases in Iraq

Iraq, Health, 6/23/99

The number of deaths among the Iraqi citizens as a result of the imposed
sanctions since 1990 until last May reached some 2,159,807 citizens.

According to statistics released by the Iraqi health ministry on Tuesday
that these deaths were results of inflammatory in the breathing organs,
diarrhoea, and malnutrition for children and heart-diseases, high blood
pressure, diabetics, liver and kidney and cancer diseases for adults.

The statistics said that a high increase took place in the number of
infectious diseases cases during 1998, including polio, fever, cholera,
malaria and many others, in comparison to the figures of 1989 of infectious
diseases due to the lack of medicines, medical requirements and

The statistics noted that the Iraqi health establishments suffer severe
shortages in medicines and medical requirements, a matter which led to the
reemergence of diseases that had been exterminated several years ago in
Iraq, including cholera and others.

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