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Pro-Iraqi image of CASI

'Regime' is not a word with positive overtones, and Galloway would have
chosen another if he looked on Saddam favorably.

As for the nature of Saddam's rule, CASI should take no position on it. 
We are in a position to influence our 'own' governments that carry out
murder in our name.  We can do nothing, in Britain, to affect the nature
of the Iraqi state, and to talk about it would be empty moralising. CASI
members who want to campaign about human rights abuses in Iraq can join
other organisations with more expertise than we have in this area. 

The problem with condemning Iraq is that we would be called upon to do it
again and again by people like Blair who want to distract attention from
the sanctions question.

Eleanor's suggestion of dialogue with exiles might be helpful, so long as
we stick to explaining why we oppose sanctions. We could dissipate a lot
of energy deploring Saddam to a sceptical audience, and might find
ourselves in bed with equally distasteful 'regimes' that lend support to
this or that exile group. The fact that some exiles favour sanctions in no
way commits us to follow them.

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