The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Dear Friends
Colin Rowat suggested I send you this list of action groups for an issue of
the NI I am doing on Iraq. If anyone has groups they think should be
added-deleted or groups in Canada, Australia and NZ they know of that would
be great!
The issue goes to print early next week so I need this sap please!
Best wishes

Campaigning organizations:
There are many local groups as well but here are some of the main ones,
listed in alphbetical rather than country order:
Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU) c/o GMD CND, One World Centre, 6
Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS
Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq (CASI) c/o c/o Seb Wills, Clare College,
Cambridge CB2
1TL, UK. Email: 
Emergency Committee on Iraq (ECI), George Galloway, MP, Room 501, 7
Millbank, Westminster, London SW1A 0AA
Gulf War Veterans and Families  stil to come.................................
International Action Center Anti-Sanctions Project 39 W. 14th St., #206;
New York, N.Y. US 10011.For more information, call 212-633-6646, fax
212-633-2889 or e-mail to 
Iraq Action Coalition website   email
7309 Haymarket Ln; Raleigh, NC 27615; U.S. Tel: (919) 848.4738 & (919)
272.8685 Fax: (919) 846.7422> ;
Iraq Action Network Canada,  P.O. Box 40052, 75 King St. S., Waterloo,
Ont., N2J 4V1
Jabiluka Ploughshares   PO Box 3818 Darwin
NT 0801
Tel: (519) 746-5851 Fax (519) 746-4096 e-mail:

Nikki van der Gaag
New Internationalist
55 Rectory Rd
Oxford OX4 1BW
Tel: (0)1865 728181
Fax: (0) 1865 793152
This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
To be removed/added, email, NOT
the whole list. Please do not sent emails with attached files to the list
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