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Contacting John Pilger


I am an anti-sanctions activist living in Boston, USA. 

A number of anti-sanctions groups in the US are trying to get news
organisations to cover the sanctions on Iraq better. One of the most likely
candidates is the documentary programme Frontline, whose office happens to
be near where I live. Frontline has run two documentaries on Iraq, but the
last one was several years ago. They have expressed some interest in doing
another documentary.

However, they are much more likely to agree to cover sanctions if an outside
filmmaker makes the documentary. That's why I thought of John Pilger, since
he has made many excellent documentaries in the past.

My question: Does anyone on the list know how to contact Pilger? Has anyone
been in touch with him? Do you know if he's still making documentaries?
Please let me know.


Jonathan Edwards

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