The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Vote on Sanctions on Iraq

Dear friends,

Please go to the BBC Site and Vote on the question - Should sanctions
against Iraq be lifted?

Please also comment on the comment line.

The URL is:

Currently (as of Friday 13 - morning) - the vote is 50/50.

- Rania Masri

In 1979, a meteorologist turned mathematician, Edward Lorenz discovered
that tiny differences in input could quickly generate overwhelmingly large
differences in output.  Lorenz called his notion the "Butterfly Effect." 
His paper was entitled "Does the flap of a Butterfly's wings in Brazil set
of a tornado in Texas?" His answer -- it could. ... Whereas most flaps do
little more than propel the creature, a few flaps might influence the
time, place, or strength of a tornado. 

The consequences of inaction are silence and death. 
               So -- "Flap your wings! "


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