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BBC Coverage - please write

As many of you probably saw, two Voices in the Wilderness delegates - Dave
Rolstone and Joanne Baker - had a lot of TV and radio coverage on their
return from Iraq this weekend.

Below is a transcript of the coverage on BBC1 TV news, 10.10pm on Saturday
14th August. The summary at the end is a bit dodgy, making it sound like the
debate is limited to the Iraqi regime and groups like Voices having one
point of view, and the US & UK governments having another. No mention of
Kofi Annan, Denis Halliday, Sponeck, Sevan or all the UN agency reports over
the years.

I think it would be a good for as many of us to make our voices heard to the
BBC as pressure to get them to maybe report the background more evenly.
Anyway, cue those irritating blips, and all the other 'more important'

*Newsreader*: "Two Britons who broke UN sanctions by delivering medical
supplies and textbooks to Baghdad have challenged the government to
prosecute them.
Dave Rolstone and Joanne Baker handed in a letter at Downing Street calling
for an end to sanctions against Iraq."

*Reporter Linda Duffin, over footage of Dave & Joanne arriving at the
airport*: "The pair, who flew back in to Heathrow last night are members of
Voices in the Wilderness, which campaigns for sanctions against Iraq to be

*Footage of them, and other group members walking up to number 10*: "They
broke the embargo, and the law, by taking medical text books and surgical
supplies to Baghdad and Basra. Today they delivered a letter to Downing
Street accusing the Prime Minister of breaking the Geneva Convention, and
challenging him to take them to court."

*Dave, being interviewed in Downing St*: "One of us has got to be wrong.
Either I'm wrong breaking the English law, or he is wrong breaking
international law. And I'd like to take it to court and find out what the
British judicial system has to say about it."

*Duffin, over footage of suffering children in Iraqi hospitals*: "The UNICEF
report has revealed that mortality rates in central and southern Iraq have
more than doubled since 1990.
Iraq is allowed to trade oil for food and medical supplies, but the Foreign
Office says Iraq has failed to prioritise vulnerable groups like children
and pregnant women, and also criticises its aid distribution network.
Saddam Hussein, say Britain and the United States, is exploiting the plight
of Iraqi children for propaganda purposes. Action groups like Voices in the
Wilderness are unconvinced. They say they'll continue sanctions-busting
until the embargo is lifted."

...and now, sport.

Further details on the BBC site:

You can write regarding TV programmes to the BBC at

Points of View
BBC Television
London W12 7TS
Telephone or fax 0181 811 1050

or the radion coverage at
PO Box 2100
London W1A 1QT
Fax 0171 436 2800

Like Colin says, NOW IS THE TIME TO WRITE. We are unlikely to get such
coverage again for a long time, if ever.

Magazines, Newspapers, radio phone-ins, TV stations - now is the window of
opportunity where activists on this issue have a good chance of getting
their voices heard.

Best of luck,

Glenn Bassett,

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