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Embargo will kill in Serbia too

Dear friends,

these news do not strictly refer to Iraq, but they are related to embargo,
this terrible weapon we're all fighting against. That's why I'm posting on
this list the news that I've tried to translate. I've added the original
statement in Italian below.

Eri Garuti


Staffan De Mistura suggested a kind of oil-for-food for Yugoslavia. On
August 26th, talking at the meeting of +ACI-Comunione e Liberazione+ACI- in Rimini
(Italy), the UN representant for Europe said: +ACI-Eleven millions of Serbs have
the right to have water, electricity and heating. It's a humanitarian aid
that can make sanctions less heavy for the civilian population.+ACI- +ACI-If this
does not happen - he added -, civilians will risk in the next months a
humanitarian tragedy as there hasn't even been in Kosovo, where nobody died
for hunger and for the cold whether.+ACI-

+ACI-11 milioni di serbi hanno il diritto di avere acqua, luce elettrica e
riscaldamento nonostante le sanzioni. Si tratta di un aiuto umanitario che
pu+API- rendere le sanzioni meno gravose per la popolazione civile. In caso
contrario la popolazione civile rischier+AOA- nei prossimi mesi una tragedia
umanitaria come non c'+AOg- stata neppure nel Kosovo, dove nessuno +AOg- morto per
la fame e per il freddo.+ACI-

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