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Re: Emergency Protest Actions to Stop the War Against Iraq!

Has anyone actually got [or seen] a copy of the AFP story that
the IAC are referring to ? I know there's been stuff posted to the list from
the mysterious "Wisdom Fund" but what about the actual report ?


----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: Middle East List <>
Date: 02 September 1999 07:54
Subject: Emergency Protest Actions to Stop the War Against Iraq!

Emergency Protest Actions to Stop the War Against Iraq!

Internationally Coordinated Week of Emergency Protest Actions
Monday, September 27 - Saturday, October 2, 1999
to demand:

Stop the War Against Iraq!

Stop the Bombings-Lift Sanctions Now!

Stand Up Against Genocide!

The International Action Center is calling on all its affiliate chapters and
member organizations and all other anti-war and anti-sanctions
organizations to initiate demonstrations, rallies, vigils and teach-ins
during the week of
September 27-October 2, 1999, to protest the apparently imminent
escalation of the bombing war against Iraq and to demand the immediate
lifting of
economic sanctions that have killed more than 1.5 million Iraqis since
their imposition in August 1990.

The French Press Agency (AFP) and other media sources have issued
reports that the recent heavy US/British bombing of Iraq is a prelude to a
vast escalation of a new bombing campaign. These media sources report that
the US and British governments will attempt to issue new ultimatums to Iraq
regarding the acceptance of a new weapons inspection regime to take the
place of the thoroughly discredited UNSCOM. These media sources indicate
that this campaign will be launched after the mid-September meeting of the
UN Security Council.

The United States government has carried out more than 10,000 combat or
combat support sorties since the conclusion of the so-called Operation
Fox Operation between December 16-19, 1998. The U.S. is also stepping up
its CIA-run destabilization campaign coupled, of course, with the ongoing
genocidal sanctions against the Iraqi people.

The U.S. goal is to overthrow the Iraqi government (the new official lingo
`regime change') and replace it with a U.S. puppet regime in this oil-rich
region. Let us never forget that this was precisely what the U.S./CIA
operations accomplished in the overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran in 1953;
against the Arbenz government in Guatemala in 1954; and against the Allende
government in Chile in 1973. No one should be under any illusion. All
historical evidence indicates that when U.S. imperialism targets governments
for overthrow it is not to replace them with more humanistic, more
regimes. The Shah in Iran, the military dictatorship in Guatemala, and
Pinochet in Chile--they all slaughtered hundreds of thousands. But they also
returned nationalized oil fields, fruit plantations and copper mines to
former Wall Street overlords. This is what made them invaluable "allies" for
successive administrations in the White House.

We demand that the multi-faceted war against the people of Iraq be ended. No
bombing! Lift the sanctions! Self-determination for the Iraqi people! Please
join in the international effort to organize emergency actions between
Monday, September 27 and Saturday, October 2, 1999.

Brian Becker & Sara Flounders
Co-Directors of the International Action Center
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 296
New York, NY 10011
phone: 212 633-6646
fax:   212 633-2889

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