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Re: Arab groups opposing sanctions, are there any?

Hello Diaa

Here are some URLs that might interest you. I do not necessarily
endorse or condemn any of them, except for the last two on the list
which are despicable. Possibly, some of them are excellent
organisations. (American Arab Anti Disc. Comm.) (Arab American Action Network)   (Iraq Action Coalition) (American Arab Uni. Grads)  (Arab World Online) (Arab Chamber)  (seems to be run by the Iraqi govt.) (seems to be run by the Iraqi govt.)

Here is my two cents worth:

It is a characteristic, perhaps positive, of the internet that it does
not easily disclose the ethnicity of its participants. CASI is no
Judging, perhaps poorly, by the names of some of the contributors to
CASI's discussion group, there are at least a few who are of Arab

As for 'humanist imperialism' whatever that means:
Most of the subscribers to the CASI discussion group are probably
citizens of the US and the UK. Their governments are enforcing
sanctions, let alone conducting an illegal war, against Iraq. Just as
British citizens protested against World War One and US citizens
protested against the Vietnam War, they are now protesting US/UK
behaviour toward Iraq. They have a direct and critical interest,
whether they are Arab, Anglo, Kurdish or whatever. Much of the same
applies to citizens of other UN countries.

Nathan Geffen

--- Diaa el Radwa Hadid <> wrote:
> May I just open the floor to discussion about
> something which I've been
> thinking about for a while?
> I've noticed that alot of efforts in the UK, the US,
> and even in Australia,
> don't have much 'Arab input'- from the Middle East
> (rather than emigres and
> those of Arab origion in the 'West').  
> Perhaps I am thinking on feminist lines here- 
> Whilst it is wonderful to see the crisis in Iraq
> treated in a humanitarian,
> rather than an ethnic context, I think that Arab
> involvement may be
> necessary in order to remove the stigma that efforts
> are somehow tainted
> with 'humanist imperialism' because Arabs in the
> Middle East are only
> involved as victims.
> In that regard, I have two questions: 
> Are there any credible Middle-Eastern based groups
> opposing the sanctions,
> and if so, would it be appropriate to forge links
> with them?
> Regarding in the views I have given above, they may
> be completely
> mis-informed, and I hope others on this list will
> constructively criticse
> and educate myself and others. 
> Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,
> Diaa
> --
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> Against Sanctions on Iraq.
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