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A recent Halliday interview and an excellent resource:

Please note another excellent anti-sanctions resource, a website run by
"Citizens Concerned for the People of Iraq" of Seattle
<>.  Among its resources is a blood-stirring
interview with Denis Halliday (conducted by Miriam Ryle in London, 4/99).
And as regards the comments of Glen Rangwala, Colin Rowat, and others
(myself included) about the appropriateness of the term "genocide", it's
interesting hear Halliday discuss his own coming-to-grips with the term:
<Snipped from :>
Q. Genocide is a very strong word.......
A. I know. For many months I refused to use the word 'genocide' and was
criticised for not using it. The moment I did use it, in Paris in January
1999 at a press conference with all the major media there, it was written up
in La Monde and the Herald Tribune among others, I was then criticised for
using it. But you know, what I say now is that there is no other way to
describe the death of 1, possibly 1.5 million people, to describe the death
of thousand of kids each month, to describe the death of almost 600,000
children since 1990.....what else is that but genocide? And it's not a
passive thing, it's not neglect. It's an act of decision making process of
the member states of the Security Council. They know what they're doing. 
There additional Halliday transcripts on the site; also several von Sponek

Drew Hamre
Golden Valley, MN USA
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