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Now available: An assessment of the recent UNICEF and State Department reports

An assessment of the recent UNICEF and State Department reports is available
at the site run by the Citizens Concerned for the People of Iraq: .  The analysis is professionally-produced,
well-documented, and should be extremely helpful.  It's available in both
HTML and Word formats.    

Among its observations:
> The State Department's graph of Iraqi mortality rates (presumably based on
UNICEF data) discards a key data point, thus misrepresenting the trendlines.
> The "2,000 metric tons" of rice which, according to the State Department,
had been re-sold for hard currency were instead likely rejected due to
quality concerns (based on comments by Von Sponeck last April).  BTW - this
interpretation has been all-but-confirmed during Harriet Griffin's
conversation with Mr. Bob Odeh, Head of Multi-Disciplinary Observation Unit
(MDOU) ... see her archived note of 99.10.01.

Drew Hamre
Golden Valley, MN USA
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